Cupcakes and Christmas - R.J. Scott Page 0,8

financially stretched, and I needed to get more publicity so I could raise my profile and make money to invest back in my business. If I managed to get to the final, then the publicity would be great, too—and more importantly—I would have two weeks to work out what I wanted, to do, whether to say yes or no to a hundred different options that spun in my head. There was a hotel chain that wanted to buy into my brand, another bakery consortium that wanted to hire me as an advisor. I’d even been offered a spot on a breakfast show as God knows what. Every single one of these would take me away from baking, but I was lost for other ways to make everything right with my dad or myself.

I pressed my hands to my temples where a headache was forming and closed my eyes. I’d gone from being flustered about meeting my celebrity crush to right back down in Marc-land where only despair seemed to grow. My cell buzzed, and I answered it as soon as I saw my twin’s name.

“I can feel you freaking out from here! Stop it!” He was in big-brother-ordering-me-about mode and I bristled.


“You’re brilliant. You’ll win. Marc is an asshole. Other people get divorced. You’re not a failure. Everyone wants a piece of you. Did I get it all?”

I had to laugh. My brother with that weird-ass twin-connection thing we had going on, had nailed most of what was stressing me. Good job he couldn’t see inside my head at the X-rated visions I had of Justin.

“Shouldn’t you be in class?” He was an elementary school teacher and a damn good one. Although I was biased.

“I am, but Liam and Tom, the terrible twosome, told me I was sad, which incidentally I was because of you moping and me feeling it. They decided to put on an impromptu stunt show they’d learned over the weekend.”

“That’s cute.”

“Cute? They’re six, and they shouldn’t be trying to throw each other over tables.”

“Surely you can make them nap now,” I said, tongue in cheek.

“They’re six years, not months, whatever. I’m in the bathroom, hiding on my break, so I called your stressy ass.”

“I’m zen,” I lied.

“Yeah right.”

“I swear I’m better now that you called.” I could admit that to him, knowing it would put his mind to rest.

“Did you sign the papers yet?”

“I have them back at the Fairmont.” I patted my jacket pocket where the bulky envelope sat, not sure why I was carrying them around with me, or why I’d lied to my twin and best friend.

“Whatever. Just get it done soon so you can start again. Speaking of which, did you see the sexy Justin yet?”

I groaned inwardly. I knew I shouldn’t have mentioned my crush to the one person who wouldn’t forget.

“I’m surprised you didn’t feel it when I saw him too,” I snapped.

“Nah, I’ve learned to block when you get hot and heavy with a guy.”

“Fuck you,” I said, without heat.

“Fuck you too.” He laughed. “Do Justin, get it all out of your system, make your world happier. Love you, asshole.” He hung up before I could say it back.

I pulled out the envelope with my name and address neatly typed on it, with the logo of the lawyer’s office in the corner. All I had to do was sign, and I would be done.

So what was stopping me?

Chapter Three

Some of them need a good forking


When I’d finished my ticking the boxes chat with show management, I headed back out to the garden room and found Brody on a bench, clutching an envelope, his head tilted back, eyes closed, and his breathing even. He was asleep. I didn’t want to wake him, but they’d asked me to send him in next. He looked so peaceful and still as effortlessly sexy as he’d looked on the screen, and right now I was taking the time to stare. Then maybe lean down and press a kiss to his forehead. He might wake up and tilt his chin and his lips would part and I could kiss him properly.

“Brody?” I called from around six feet, but he muttered something and didn’t open his eyes. I stepped closer, touching his shoulder, expecting him to jump out of his skin, but he didn’t. Instead, he slowly opened his eyes and smiled up at me sleepily. Whatever dream I’d woken him from had to have been a good one because if I woke up next to Copyright 2016 - 2024