Cupcakes and Christmas - R.J. Scott Page 0,39

by the moving colors of the lock screen as it slipped out of use. Finally, I hid the cell in my jacket pocket, stood up, stretched tall, and cracked my neck.


Dinner was interesting. Clare sulked over her steak. Ivan and Kristen disappeared immediately after the dessert, Shauna never even showed, and Brody was blatantly weirded out by me. I could tell when I glanced at him, he would pretend not to see me, staring anywhere but at me, and even though he chatted to Ivan for a while, he was quiet. I shuffled in my seat ready to make my excuses but Clare beat me to it, slamming her hand down on the table, just to let us know she was pissed, and then she stormed off.

“Hashtag where is Clare,” I joked, hoping Brody would smile.

“Yeah,” he grumbled, which was a shit response. We were here, sharing an awkward silence, and I didn’t like silences. I had to fill them, so I needed to think of a safe subject. If I was talking, then I could entertain people, and I might even be the life and soul of the party, then everyone will love me.

“How do you think today went?” I asked all kinds of casual as I sipped water.

“Good,” he finally glanced at me. “You?”

“As good as can be expected.”

“Says the baking Instagram genius.”


“Nothing. I need to go.” He left, and then it was only me at the table, signing for the cost of the meal which would be covered by Flexelnet, the company creating the show. Going back to my room, I grabbed my coat and went outside, I told myself it was just for a walk, but I kind of wanted to check in on Jeremy and see if he needed his carrot replacing or his scarf retying.

Before I got anywhere near Jeremy, I spotted Shauna. She hadn’t seen me, and I could have turned and gone the other way only she was sitting on a bench, head in her hands. No doubt she didn’t expect anyone to be out here in the snow and cold at this time of the night. She probably wanted privacy, but could I really leave her there like this? Her quiet vulnerability somehow called to me and made my heart ache because she seemed so sad. Maybe lonely? Maybe she needed a friend right now.

“Hey, Shauna.” I tried to be as gentle as I could, but she jumped, dashing away tears and staring at me with wide eyes. She’d been crying again. Poor woman was upset, and I wanted to help.

“Justin, hi,” she managed.

“Okay if I sit?” The bench was sheltered by a log roof that only let the smallest dusting of snow inside. She brushed at that snow with her glove, and I took that as a yes. “Is everything okay?”

“Yes, I’m just… it’s too much.”

This seemed like a deeper thing than just being overwhelmed. “Do you want to find a quiet corner inside and talk.”

“Can we just stay here?” Even though it was cold as hell out here I wasn’t going to go inside and leave her.

“Okay, of course.”

“I don’t think I can do this, Justin.”

“We’re all trying to get back in the rhythm, but it’s not going to be easy. You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself.”

“Not the competition.” She huffed a breath which turned to a cloud and then buried her chin in her scarf. “It’s the rest of my life that’s out of control.”

Well shit. This could be anything at all, and I wasn’t entirely sure how to ask questions. “You want to tell me—”

“My boyfriend, well now fiancé, Ronan, proposed. My mom hates him, and my dad tried to shoot him.” I laughed a little because it sounded as if she was making a joke, but one glance down, and I saw she was a long way from joking.

“Tried to shoot him for real?” I finally said as she stared up at me.

“Oh yeah, big time. I’m from a small town, and he’s from the wrong side of the tracks. It’s a Romeo and Juliet tragedy of epic proportions.” She shook her head. “Nothing will stop me from marrying him because I love him, and we have so many plans for a family.” She paused a moment and then whispered, “I’m pregnant.” Was I the first person she’d told? Because she stared at me with so much open emotion. The warmth of the path lights highlighted her face, and I saw shock and hope in Copyright 2016 - 2024