Cupcakes and Christmas - R.J. Scott Page 0,24

When it came to explaining the content, I knew I should check with Brody before plastering his name all over my social media. There again, he was in this competition for exposure, so I guess it didn’t hurt. “Rescued a snowman with Brody from the show, called our frosty friend, Jeremy,” I said out loud as I typed. “Is that okay?”

He appeared to seriously consider my question and then nodded. “Yeah, it’s important to document Jeremy.”

We said our goodbyes when we reached the Fairmont, went our separate ways with a casual ‘see you at the games’ from him, but just as he reached the stairs, he turned back to look at me.

“I had fun,” he said.

“Me too.”

And then he was gone.

I checked in on the post an hour later, the usual amount of comments—too many to answer—and already four thousand likes, along with so many re-posts that I trended. Briefly, but I’d done it, and when a note popped up with a well done from Erin, I was proud of myself.

Only pride didn’t feel quite as good as the happiness I felt rebuilding Jeremy and laughing with Brody.

Chapter Eight

Cupcakes are muffins that believed in miracles


I couldn’t get last night out of my head.

When we were in front of the snowman and we did that scarf thing, it was like a switch flicked in my head. All I needed to do was lean in a little and I could have kissed him. That was when I knew what I had to do. After I showered, I pulled out the divorce papers, ignored all the legalese, and signed right under Marc’s name.

So simple. Just my name in cursive with the extra curly Y, and it was done.

I felt nothing because I’d already worked through every emotion. People had fought for the right for me to marry, but I’d fucked it up, he’d fucked it up, and the sooner I owned my own part in it and stopped looking for reasons to make things right, then the quicker I could get through this.

I handed the envelope to the front desk, and they assured me it would be collected, and when I walked away from reception, I was lighter for it. Justin was already done with his breakfast, but we exchanged smiles as he left. I didn’t stay much longer because today was the first day of the competition, and we needed to get a hustle on to get over to the venue.

It seemed right to be wearing my favorite shirt that Lacey’d bought for me because she said I looked good in fall colors. It was soft and dark red. I zoned out when she’d begun talking about eye color and skin palettes but checking myself in the mirror, she was right. It did look good on me, even if it hugged my belly a little too much. Still, the color and remembering my sister’s words gave me that extra buzz of confidence.

I’ve signed the papers. I’m not married now. I like Justin. I can do this. I’m going to ask him to get a coffee and just talk to someone who isn’t an asshole.

He walked with me to the annex, and it was now or never to ask.

“This is all Adam’s fault because I wouldn’t do this normally, but we only have two weeks and… ” I sipped on the to-go coffee.


“My twin, he said I should ask, and I was thinking whether you would like to get a coffee with me sometime?” I asked in a quick run-on sentence.

He glanced down at my mug and back up at me. “You mean like we’re doing now?”

My mouth fell open as the realization hit me that I’d just talked about doing something that we were already doing. I couldn’t help rolling my eyes.

“Well shit, that was smooth. No, I meant, go out for a coffee.”


“Out, as in date out.”

He could have messed with me then, but he didn’t. “I’d love that.”

“Maybe on our day off after round two?”

“You’re sure I’m going to make it out of the first two rounds?” He had to be joking. He couldn’t still be worried that he’d crash and burn?

“Absolutely. I’m sure you’ll be in the final.”

“That makes one of us with complete conviction.” Was he being self-deprecating? Or completely honest?

“So, our day off, we could go into Banff, get a coffee?”

“It’s a date,” he said, and his eyes widened. “Or not,” he added.

“Guys, get a hustle on.” Ivan bumped into me, and I nearly dropped my coffee, Copyright 2016 - 2024