Cupcakes and Christmas - R.J. Scott Page 0,16

contestants in Christmas sweaters headed out to the large hall where the introductions were being filmed.

And then it began.

Chapter Six

A balanced diet is having a cupcake in each hand


“Each week’s competition will consist of three parts.” Courtney Jacobs shook her right hand enough so that the studio lights caught the large diamond on her ring finger. Stunning and petite, the former weather girl and reality TV star was the show host. She’d done all six seasons, and she knew exactly how to play the crowd, and what to say when. She had this way about her that made the little slips about squirting cream or soggy bottoms sound so innocent.

She’d been counted in by the director then made a grand entrance down the main staircase for our recording, wearing a short train on her long dark blue gown. There wasn’t much she could tell the six of us because we’d done it all before, but this was for the filming. This was the part they would show at the start of episode one, and so, in the middle of October, there was a Christmas tree in the foyer and garlands twisted up and around the banisters and hot lights that made me sweat in my Christmas sweater.

I cast a quick look at the other contestants. The guy herding us around had placed all six of us in series winner order, which meant I was between Kristen, season three winner, who was dressed top to toe in green, and Ivan, the winner of season five, who chose to wear black pants and a Santa sweater. At least his outfit was coordinated. I glanced down at the carrot poking out of my snowman pullover which listed pathetically unless I pushed out my pecs. Sixth was Clare and since she’d just come off from winning the latest season, I’d never spoken to her at a reunion. Her final bake had been the most amazing English country garden created out of chocolate and cake. She’d beaten, by a small margin, Eddie-Lou from Florida with his reimagining of a Disneyland-type garden of the future in choux pastry and spun sugar. Today, Clare’s fairy outfit was in direct contrast to her slightly dour expression. In fact, she’d done nothing but frown and moan about everything, slightly over the diva line with added attitude. She caught my glance and sent me a glare, which instantly made me look away. I peeked back after a little while but now she was glaring at Shauna Summers, who was the season two winner. It seemed that she was just as pissed at life as she had been in series six.

They began gathering video. Courtney as our ‘hostess with the mostest’ announced that she hoped all the viewers had a wonderful Christmas, and that we were in the beautiful Christmassy town of Banff enjoying a beautiful snowy Christmas.

Since the series was being filmed in October, the real reason we were in Banff was because we needed somewhere to film snowy scenes, and L.A. wasn’t going to cut it, but she didn’t say that.

Don’t spoil the dream.

“This five episode charity show featuring the six winners of the show to date will be on your screens once a week leading up to the big day. The final episode where we crown our best of the best will be shown on Christmas Eve.”

She sent the camera a warm smile, added a small pout, and they yelled cut. Something about how she’d spoken made it sound as if she was filming ahead. I didn’t like to point out that we were filming ahead and that is wasn’t live, so to kill the time as they reset, I glanced left to see winners of seasons one and two. Shauna looked as uncomfortable in her Christmas sweater as I did, and clearly wasn’t feeling the elf she was supposed to be. She was another one that never made it to reunions, so I didn’t know her socially, but I thought she might even be trying not to cry. Her eyes were bright, and her lip was caught between her teeth. I wanted to hug her close, but that wouldn’t be playing the game for television. We were rivals, and we needed to stay focused.

At least that is what the director said in the little speech he’d given us as he lined us up in order, in between mumbling under his breath that Justin was too tall, and that he should maybe slouch. Justin confronted him and said Copyright 2016 - 2024