Crush - Kelsie Rae Page 0,17

“Yeesh. That sounds promising.”

“Yup. The joys of pregnancy, right? Now, back to what we were talking about. I’m going to be nice and let that little asinine comment about a failed relationship go because these Braxton Hicks are going to be the death of me. However, I say go for it. You’ve both been up-front about your expectations, and I think it would be good for you to get out and live a little. Besides, Grady and I hooked up when we were rooming together, and look how that turned out, so I’m pretty sure that you and your doctor having sex will be a breeze.”

“You think?”

“Yeah. And worst-case scenario, you find a new doctor to finish out this pregnancy if shit hits the fan. See? Easy peasy. Definitely go for it.”

“You make it sound so simple,” I hedge.

“Life is never simple, but you only live once, so you might as well make the most of it.” Opening her purse, she tosses a few bills onto the table then pushes herself up. “I’m paying for brunch in return for all the juicy details so that my muse stays happy. Don’t disappoint me, missy.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” I laugh.

“Good girl. I’ll see ya later.”

“You too.”



“Am I going to have to take that phone away, Dr. Bennett?” Tracey bosses me in the break room.

Feeling like a scolded teenager, I slide it back into my olive-green scrubs and stand up from the chair at the lunch table. She’s right. I’ve been distracted all day.

“Sorry, Trace.”

“I’m joking. Besides, that smile of yours is pretty adorable. Mind if I ask who put it there?”

“Who?” I deflect while cleaning up my lunch. The sandwich is only half-eaten, but I’d been too busy messaging Marcy to focus on finishing. She’s definitely a distraction. A really good one, actually. With a dry laugh, I put what’s left of my lunch back in the fridge then throw away the leftover garbage from my meal.

Tracey blocks the exit by standing in the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest. “Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about.”

“Why, Tracey, I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about,” I return, attempting to look innocent.

“Mmmhmm. I call bullshit. You’ve been glued to your phone nonstop today.”


“So…you haven’t been glued to your phone…ever. Now, unless you’ve actually created a Facebook account that you’ve failed to mention before today and have gotten addicted to your newsfeed like every other person on the planet, then I’m going to go ahead and say you’ve met someone.”

Meeting her stare with my own, I mirror her stance and cross my arms. “I’ve met plenty of women since Kate died.”

“You’ve slept with plenty of women since Kate died, but none of them have been able to put that dopey grin on your face.”

I jerk back, confused. “What dopey grin?”

Twirling her finger through the air, she motions to my face. “The one I caught you sporting in here while staring at your phone when I walked in a few minutes ago. Usually, you have this concerned look that you get while reading the news, but today…there was no concerned look. There was only a dopey grin.”

“You already mentioned the dopey grin,” I point out.

“And next time, I’ll take a picture so you won’t be able to deny it.”

“I’m sure you will,” I mutter. “Is my next appointment here yet?”

Grudgingly, she scoots over and drops her arms to her sides. “Yes. Mr. and Mrs. Malone are in room three.”

“Thank you, Tracey.”

“You’re welcome, Dr. Bennett,” she mimics me. With a sigh of relief, I try to slip past her, but she freezes me in place as she adds, “We’ll continue this conversation later.”

“I’m sure we will,” I grumble. “Thanks, Trace.”

“You’re welcome.” Her tone is light and innocent as she turns on her heel and disappears into the breakroom, leaving me no doubt that she won’t stop pestering me until I give her all the gory details of who I’ve been texting today. I push away the image Marcy sent me the night before. The baggy T-shirt that practically swallowed her whole. The tiny boy shorts showcasing her long, curvy legs. The way her natural waves hung around her shoulders as she peeked up at the camera.

Clearing my throat, I march toward exam room three and try to focus on my upcoming appointment with Grady and Dylan Malone.

I like the Malones. I went to school with Grady’s older brother and even visited Grady in the hospital after his accident. The guy Copyright 2016 - 2024