Crush (Crave #2) - Tracy Wolff Page 0,210

we can win. The beast isn’t even winded, and we’re in pieces.

Eden with her broken wing.

Jaxon with his awe-inspiring power almost completely depleted.

Flint shooting fire as the monster corners him but limping along in human form with what looks like a compound fracture to his leg.

Macy’s okay, thank God, but she’s poised with her wand up as she sends spell after spell spinning toward the giant. They hit—I know they hit—and yet nothing happens. Not one makes an impact.

And Xavier…Xavier is limping, too, though not as bad as Flint. He’s currently circling around behind the beast, poised to go for the back of its knee in a last-ditch attempt to slow the monster down, but I already know that it isn’t going to work. Nothing we do is going to work.

“You need to stop this!” Hudson begs as he walks over to where I’m leaning on a rock wall, trying to catch my breath. For the first time, he sounds panicked—really, really panicked. “You have to call them off, Grace. No one else will do it, so you have to.”

“I don’t know how!” I yell back at him. “Even if I try to call them off, even if they listen to me, the beast isn’t going to just let us go. How do I get them out of here without us all being killed?”

“Talk to him,” Hudson tells me.

“Talk to him? Talk to who?” I shriek.

“The Unkillable Beast. Can’t you hear him? He’s been talking to you all along—you need to answer him. You’re the only one who can.”

“Talking to me? Nobody’s been talking to me!”

“I hear him, Grace. I know you hear him, too. That voice telling you to go, telling you not to die. That’s him.”

“No. You’re wrong. That’s my gargoyle.”

“I’m not wrong. You need to trust me, Grace.”

“I don’t believe—”

“Goddammit!” he yells as he falls to his knees, tears in his eyes, face twisted in agony. “I’ve fucked up, okay? A lot. I know that. You know that. But I’m not fucking this up. I know that’s his voice. I know you can talk to him. I know you can stop this. You’re the only one who can. Just fucking listen to me for once in your whole fucking life like you did when we were together.”

He’s screaming now, begging, and I want to believe him. I do. But if I’m wrong— “No!” I scream as the beast turns toward Macy with a roar.

I shoot straight up in the air, race to get to her before he reaches her, but even as I fly faster than I ever have in my life, I know I’m not going to be fast enough. I know I’m going to be too late.

Xavier gets there a split second before I do. He throws himself in front of Macy, sends her careening to the ground behind him and takes the blow meant for her.

I can hear the bones shatter from where I am, can feel his skull crack and cave in even before he flies straight into the wall. He hits the ground with a sickening thud, but the beast doesn’t care. He reaches for Xavier’s leg, starts to pick him up, but it’s my turn to throw myself in front of Xavier.

I land between them, and I do what Hudson’s been begging me to do. I throw my arms up in the universal gesture for stop and scream, “No!” from the very depths of my soul.


We Are the Monsters

The Unkillable Beast rears back like I’ve struck him, so hard that he ends up stumbling and falling to the ground with a loud bellow that shakes every bone in my body. Shakes the very walls of the cavern.

But even as he screams, there’s that voice inside me again, telling me, No hurt, no hurt, and I realize Hudson is right. That voice I’ve been hearing since I got to Katmere, that voice that warned me every time trouble was coming, that voice that I was certain was my gargoyle, was actually the Unkillable Beast all along.

I have no idea how. I have no idea why. But right now, all I care about is saving my friends.

I rub a hand over my eyes to wipe the tears away and then look at it, really look at this stone giant, for the first time since I got here.

I look at the craggy, broken rocks of his exterior.

At the stone rubbed smooth beneath the iron shackles.

At the top of his head and the one Copyright 2016 - 2024