Crush (Crave #2) - Tracy Wolff Page 0,194

either. Hudson has been in my head for a week and a half, twenty-four seven. You think I don’t know who he is now? You think I can’t recognize a psychopath when I see one?”

“It doesn’t matter if you think he’s innocent,” Flint says. “The risk is too great. We can’t let him have his powers. Who knows what he’ll do with them next?”

“So you think we have the right to play judge and jury?” I ask. “I think he deserves a chance.”

“The truth is, Grace, it doesn’t matter what you think,” Jaxon tells me. “Because you’re outvoted, seven to one.”

I stare at him incredulously for long seconds, then glance around the room to see if anyone else thinks he sounds as autocratic as I do. But they all just look back at me solemnly. Which just pisses me off more.

I take a deep breath, try to calm down enough to be rational. Which is hard when my friends are all looking at me like I’m being ridiculous. Worse, like I’m a non-paranormal.

Though I’m not surprised by their stance. Not really. If I’d lived through what they did, I’d likely feel the same about a new girl at school who wants to set free the psychopath who gives them nightmares. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt me that Macy and Jaxon—Jaxon—are taking sides against me on something so important.

My heart is breaking, and I’m fighting tears as I finally choke out, “Are you seriously not even going to consider what I’m telling you, Jaxon? Are you really not even going to try to see your mate’s point of view?”

Jaxon looks as bad as I feel as he reaches for my hands, pulls them close to his chest. “I love you, Grace. You know that.” His words are raw and gravelly, like they’re being wrenched from deep inside him. “But I can’t give you this. Anything else, but not this.” He gazes down at me, and there is a wetness in his own eyes that looks a lot like tears as he continues. “I can’t afford to put myself first. Or my mate. It’s my responsibility to keep everyone safe. Their lives are in my hands. So how can you ask me to choose?”

“Because I’m right, Jaxon.” I turn to the rest of my friends. “I know you don’t believe me, but I am. I know Hudson isn’t going to hurt anyone again.”

“And if you’re wrong?” Xavier asks. “What then?”

“I’m not wrong,” I tell him as I turn to Jaxon and lay my final card on the table. “And if I say I won’t fly off on Flint’s back to this mythical Arctic island with you?” I ask softly. “What then?”

“Then we go without you.” Jaxon swallows but holds my gaze. “This is more important than any one person. Even you, Grace.”

Pain swamps me, threatens to drag me under, and I don’t have a clue what to say. Because there is no way to solve this dilemma, no way to find common ground among us, even though the stakes are death.

Or maybe because they are. I don’t know anymore.

I’m not sure I know anything anymore. Except that there really is no changing Jaxon’s mind.

Not on this.

Tears slide unheeded down my cheeks.

Poor reluctant prince.

Poor beautiful boy.

I glance around, see the closed looks on all my friends’ faces, and realize that I really am outvoted. I really can’t change their minds. And if I walk away now, if I refuse to go because I know they’re wrong, then I’m lowering their chances of succeeding…and worse, surviving, as they face this Unkillable Beast.

The knowledge wounds me like few things ever have, and all I want to do is scream.

And that’s when I hear Hudson deep in the recesses of my mind. “It’s okay, Grace. Whatever you decide, it’s okay.”

You don’t mean that, I tell him.

“If it gets you to stop crying, then you’re damn right I mean it,” he answers. “This isn’t something you can fix. It’s just something you have to endure. Whatever happens next, I promise I won’t blame you for it.”

It’s not fair, I tell him. It isn’t fair what they’re going to do to you.

His laugh, when it comes, is straight out of a tragedy. “Life isn’t fair, Grace. I thought you’d know that better than most.”

I’m sorry, I tell him as tears slide down my cheeks.

“Don’t be,” he answers. “None of this is your fault.”

The fact that he’s right doesn’t make me feel better. In fact, it only Copyright 2016 - 2024