Cruel Shame (Knights of Templar Academy #3) - Sofia Daniel Page 0,7

He strutted across the hospital room, his pale, blue eyes boring into mine.

A rush of anger flared across my skin, and I clenched my teeth. “What are you doing here?”

Liddell reached into the pocket of his black uniform pants. “I came to offer you a warning.”

The door slammed open, and Orlando rushed in, holding a cup of something hot. “What’s going on?”

Camden Liddell turned around. He stood a couple of inches shorter than Orlando but with the kind of broad, softening build middle aged men get no matter how much they worked out. He reminded me of Billy Hancock before the prison rations. Orlando, in comparison, looked like he could fell this arrogant asshole in a single punch.

“Wait outside, son,” said the older man. “I need to speak with Miss Hancock alone.”

Orlando folded his arms across his broad chest. “You can’t speak to Lilah without the presence of Mr. Burgh.”

“Who are you?” he asked.

“Orlando Nevis. And you are?”

The older man straightened. “Camden Liddell, the Deputy Chief Constable of Police Scotland.”

I glanced at the man’s pocket, which bulged with something about the size of a USB stick. Every instinct in my body demanded that I lunge for it, but robbing a policeman would only add to my troubles.

Orlando squared up to the older man, dwarfing him with his superior height and build. “What would someone so important want with a seventeen-year-old schoolgirl?”

“That is between me and Miss Hancock,” Liddell said through clenched teeth. “Get out, before I have you arrested for the obstruction of a police inquiry.”

“I’m going to record this.” Orlando placed his hand in his pocket and pulled out his smartphone. “If you don’t want to end up on Youtube harassing a half-naked girl in her hospital bed, I suggest you leave.”

My hands closed into fists, and I clenched my jaw, breathing hard. Was the contents of his pocket the reason why DCI Cromar had arranged for this out-of-the-way room? I shook off those thoughts. Even if Lady Liddell was stupid enough to hand Myra a murder weapon, a seasoned police officer wouldn’t kill someone where it could be tracked to him.

“I know your grandfather,” snarled the older man. “He will be most disappointed that you’re keeping such low company.”

Orlando snorted. “Right now, the old man will be overjoyed that I’m with a girl.”

Camden Liddell frowned, seeming not to understand Orlando’s comment. I guess the all-knowing Deputy Chief Constable didn’t get the memo about Orlando getting suspended for lewd conduct with Maxwell.

“Be sure to say hello while you’re picking up a free crate of scotch.” Orlando walked to the door and held it open.

Liddell walked across the room and paused at the doorway to shoot Orlando the filthiest glower. I held my breath, waiting for him to offer up a parting threat or a promise to return, but he turned his gaze to me.

“Miss Hancock,” he sneered. “Do not think for one moment that you will succeed in besmirching the good name of my niece.”

I cupped a hand behind my ear. “Bes-what?”

“You may have lured Elizabeth’s suitors with the promise of sex, but men don’t marry girls like you. When they finish using your type, they turn to pure-hearted girls like Elizabeth.”

The words hit like a bucket of warm urine, but I held myself steady and didn’t flinch. “Are you sure we’re talking about the same person? Because I’m thinking about the Elizabeth who got a bunch of eleven-year-old girls hooked on cocaine.”

He bared his teeth. “You lying—”

“That’s enough.” Orlando stepped in front of the older man. “Fuck off right now, Camden Liddell, the Deputy Chief Constable of Police Scotland. Or I’ll upload the recording I made of your rant to the internet and let the whole world wonder why you’re harassing a minor.”

His face turned purple. “It’s illegal to record someone without their consent.”

Orlando bared his teeth. “It’s also illegal to threaten girls, but that didn’t stop you from spewing lecherous words at my girlfriend.”

“What?” His features slackened. “I said no such—”

“Leave, unless you want to be judged by the court of Youtube.”

His eyes narrowed, and his lips pressed into a thin line. My throat went dry. That was the kind of look that told me this wasn’t over. If Camden Liddell didn’t return later tonight to finish off his threat, he would find some other way to get at me.

Blanking my expression, I swallowed hard. People like him thrived on the weaknesses of their enemies. I needed to stay strong until I could work out what on Copyright 2016 - 2024