Cruel Shame (Knights of Templar Academy #3) - Sofia Daniel Page 0,58

“But you’re the fun one who I always liked best.”

His brows drew together. “So, I’m the friend? Like Adewale?”

I shook my head. “If this was a meal, the twins would be the first and second courses, and you’d be the decadent, chocolate pudding.”

“Hopefully with a thick dollop of cream.” He leaned down and descended his lips on mine.

The touch brought sparks of pleasure racing to every erogenous zone in my body. My nipples tightened, my core clenched, and my heart fluttered in my chest on dragonfly wings. What was it about Orlando and his kisses?

It was his lips, for a start. They were built for pleasure, as was the tongue that caressed mine with deep strokes that slickened my folds and turned my insides into a furnace of want. With a moan, I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him in place.

I never, ever wanted this kiss to end.

“How typical,” a haughty voice drawled. “She’s like a cat in heat, surrounded by toms.”

A jolt of surprise shot through my chest, and we both jumped apart. Lady Liddell and Elizabeth stood shoulder-to-shoulder, like a before and after cautionary tale about plastic surgery. The clickbait ones where the author posts the film star in their youth next to a fifty-year-old version of themselves after too many fillers. The ones that prompt everyone to say in the comments they looked better before the surgery and ask why didn’t they just grow old gracefully.

I placed both hands on my hips. “It’s strange to see the so-called chairwoman turfed out of her own lynch mob.”

Elizabeth tossed her head and sniffed. “The headmaster brought a solicitor. Everyone knows if you bring a lawyer to an informal meeting that they’re guilty.”

“No,” I said nice and slow because I was clearly explaining the concept to an idiot. “It’s just good sense to have a lawyer present to make sure the other party plays fair.”

“You would know about legal troubles,” she snapped

“Don’t worry.” I tossed her a tight smile. “You’ll get yours soon enough.”

Her eyes flashed. “What’s that supposed to mean? You’re the one who—”

“Elizabeth.” Lady Liddell’s sharp voice cut through her daughter’s rant. “Giving such a vulgar slattern your attention only drags you down to her level.”

I turned to the older woman, whose eyes were narrowed so close that her false lashes looked like they’d been scrawled on her face with a marker pen. “Funny you should say that, considering you cast the first insult.”

“Lady Liddell.” Orlando stepped forward, blocking my view of the loathsome pair. “Please accept my apologies if my grandfather’s refusal of your daughter caused offense. I fear that your raising of Elizabeth has brought out your more odious qualities.”

“You rejected my daughter for that whore?” Lady Liddell said in a voice sharp enough to cut throats.

He snorted. “You seem to be mistaken in the definition of a whore. A beautiful young lady who enjoys the company of a gentleman is delightful. On the other hand, a home economics teacher who married for money is—”

“That is enough!” Lady Liddell stamped her foot. “I will be having words with your grandfather.”

“I’m sure he’ll tell you the same,” Orlando drawled.

I poked my head out from behind Orlando and smirked at her blotchy face. Elizabeth stood beside her mother with her fists clenched, her hands balled into fists, and her chest heaving up and down with the beginnings of a tantrum. She’d have to get used to the defection of her former knights.

Lady Liddell smoothed down her jacket and raised her nose in the air. “I would like a word with Miss Hancock.”

I gave her a slow nod, a Richley glance up and down, and a disapproving twist of my lips to let her know that what I just checked out was lacking. “Once you’ve been found guilty in a court of law, I’ll be happy to visit you in prison.”

“Foolish girl.” Lady Liddell shook her head. “A worthless, stupid, slut just like your mother.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Why did you cover up for Father Neapolitan when he raped her?”

Elizabeth’s mouth fell open, and she cast her mother a furtive glance.

Confusion rippled through my insides. I thought Elizabeth knew all about the priest being my father, which had caused her to go mental in my bedroom and rant about Esau. I smoothed out my expression into a mask of indifference.

Lady Liddell adjusted her collar and glanced down the path in the direction of the tall hedge. “Abigail Burgh was a very disturbed young woman.”

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