Cruel Shame (Knights of Templar Academy #3) - Sofia Daniel Page 0,36

and royal blue cushions. At the base of the bed, a pair of elegant armchairs separated by a low table faced the fireplace on the right side of the room, and a balcony window took up half the back wall consisting of a balcony window that overlooked the lamp-lit gardens.

My breath caught in the back of my throat. “This is—”

“Exquisite?” Kendrick stared down at me, his eyes ablaze, making me think he wasn’t talking about the room.

“Yeah,” I said, my voice breathy. “But I was going to say romantic.”

He turned to the fireplace and frowned. Without telling me, I could guess what was on his mind. A guy like Kendrick, who tolerated years of Elizabeth and valued chastity wouldn’t want to have his first time in a hotel with a girl he barely knew. Kendrick seemed the type who wanted to court a woman for months or at least years before receiving a crumb of affection.

“Don’t worry.” I rocked forward on my tiptoes and pressed a kiss on his lips. “Your virginity is safe with me.”

As I drew back, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his hard body. “You are the most peculiar girl I’ve ever met.”

“Is that a compliment?” I ran my hands over his chest, aching to pull off all those layers.

“That has yet to be decided.”

I swatted him on the chest. “You’re such a dick.”

He smirked. “Are you going to stand here insulting me all night or do you want me to begin my penance?”

“Alright, then.” I stepped back and leaned against the wall. “What are the ground rules?”

He frowned. “What on earth are you talking about?”

“You’re the one with a broom up your ass. Tell me what you will and won’t do.”

Kendrick sniffed and walked to the other side of the room, where there a tall, mahogany cabinet concealed the most elaborate minibars in the history of luxury hotels. One door consisted of shelves containing cups and tumblers and champagne flutes while the other held an array of snacks, such as the type of Belgian cookies they served on the train.

A waist-high counter took up the middle of the bar, holding a coffee machine, kettle, teabags and coffee sachets. Kendrick reached for a pair of tumblers, opened the refrigerator at the bottom and extracted a can of lemonade, poured it into both glasses and returned with a frown.

I bit down on my lip. Did I go too far? This was my first time with a virgin. Max disguised as Kendrick didn’t count because that version of Kendrick was still eager for sex instead of the prickly version offering me a drink.

“Thanks?” I took the glass and sipped at the sparkling liquid.

“Very well,” he said as he brought his glass to his lips. “I will permit manual stimulation.”

“A hand job?”

He narrowed his eyes. “Could you refrain from being crude?”

“Right.” I pressed my lips together to suppress a smile. “Can I stick my finger up your ass, then?”

Kendrick choked on his drink, his face purple. “Absolutely not!”

I raised a hand and giggled. “It was a joke.”

He snatched the glass from my hand, stormed across the room, and slammed it on the table. When he returned, his eyes were so dark with rage and fire and lust that I thought he might rupture something.

Kendrick bared his teeth. “If you mean to mock—”

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and silenced him with a kiss. For the next few heartbeats, he became as rigid as the stick up his ass. Then his lips moved against mine, and he backed me toward the door.

Part of me wondered if this was the prelude to being kicked out and made to sleep in the hallway for my insolence, but instead, he pinned me against the wall and plundered my mouth.

Kendrick’s kisses were forceful, his tongue exploring, probing, claiming. I melted against his hard body and moaned. All thoughts of Kendrick being a skittish virgin disappeared into the ether. He kissed like he knew exactly what he wanted and how to get it. He kissed like a man in charge.

He drew back and raised his brows. “Any further comments you’d like to get out of your system before my penance starts?”

I stared up at him through hazy eyes. “Just one,” I murmured through panting breaths. “Please do that again.”

Kendrick hooked his forearms under my legs and hoisted me up to his waist. I wrapped my legs around his hips, so my slit was flush with the bulge in his Copyright 2016 - 2024