Cruel Prince(Royal Hearts Academy #1) - A. Jade Page 0,58

accidents.” There’s a slight grimace on his face. “To be honest, everything surrounding Liam’s death was pretty hush-hush. The funeral was very private—family only.” He squeezes his shoulder. “Given Liam died so close to the last week of junior high and Jace and I went to different high schools, I never really saw him around.” His features twist. “However, I heard from a few people that he has one hell of a short fuse. If you get caught talking about Liam, he’ll rearrange your face.”

Based on what I’ve witnessed recently, I don’t doubt it.

I can’t say I don’t understand it though. Lord knows how bad I wanted to punch Britney in the throat every time she teased me about my mom.

He shrugs. “Can’t really condemn the dude, I guess. Stone annoys the hell out of me, but if he died, I’m not sure I could move past that kind of loss. You know?”

A ball of pain lodges in my throat. “Yeah.”

The fact that Jace and his family find the strength to get up every day is a feat in itself.

He drums his fingers on the steering wheel. “Look, don’t tell anyone I told you this, but I once overheard from a teacher that it was a complication from the accident he was in when he was younger.”

I assume he’s referring to the car accident that killed his mom. “How so?”

“Well, apparently he also developed some kind of heart condition after.” He reaches for a bottle of water in his cup holder. “Rumor has it his father—you know, the owner of Trust Pharmaceuticals—was having Liam test a drug they developed for it, but it didn’t go so well, and he passed in his sleep.”

My hands fly to my face. “No.”

Jace already had a rocky relationship with his dad after his mom’s death, but now? I wouldn’t be surprised if they hardly ever spoke.

Tommy’s eyes fill with sadness. “Yeah, it’s really awful. I get why his family doesn’t talk about it. Both for personal and legal reasons.”

Who could blame them?

Mr. Covington tried to help his son and ended up killing him.

Jesus. I can’t imagine the kind of guilt he carries…or the resentment his children must harbor for him.

“Hey,” Tommy whispers after a few minutes. “I know you cared about Liam, but I don’t think he’d want you feeling miserable.” Leaning over, he kisses my temple. “He’d want you to find a way to move on.”

Tommy’s not wrong. My mom aside, Liam was the kindest, most unselfish person I’d ever known.

It’s what makes his loss so profound.

I clear my throat and open the passenger door. “I’m gonna go inside.” With a wave, I step out of the car. “Drive home safe. Thanks again for the ride.”

I’m barely two steps up my driveway when I hear his car door open and shut.

The second I turn, he wraps his arms around me.

“You look like you needed one of these.”

I didn’t realize I did until this moment. “I miss him so much.”

I miss my friend.

Both of them.

“I get it.” He ruffles my hair and kisses the top of my head. “But you know how much it would hurt him to see you like this.”

I wipe the mist out of my eyes as we break apart. “I know.”

Tommy’s right. Liam definitely preferred smiles over tears.

My heart twists, protesting the thought my brain is forming, but deep down, I know it’s the right thing to do.

Jace was my best friend before he became my everything, and no matter how much it hurts to see him with someone else, I want the best for him. And while I don’t think Britney is it, she must make him happy…otherwise he wouldn’t be with her.

Perhaps it’s time I get off this merry-go-round with Jace and open myself up to the possibility that there may be someone else who can find their way into my heart.

If the few butterflies I have are any indication, I’m pretty sure that someone is standing in front of me.

“I’ll call you tomorrow.”

Tommy dips his head and I rise up on my toes to meet his lips.

Just like the first kiss we shared, this one is soft, gentle, and safe.

It’s everything Jace Covington isn’t.

And for the first time, I’m realizing that’s exactly what I need.

Chapter 25



Strobe lights bounce off the walls of the gymnasium like laser beams as Liam and I finish what must be our twentieth dance in an hour.

I can tell he’s getting a little worn out even though he won’t say it.

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