Cruel Prince(Royal Hearts Academy #1) - A. Jade Page 0,24

color and feeling. Dead. Just like her.

I’m about to apologize for hitting below the belt, but he narrows his eyes.

The next words out of his mouth are the equivalent of a knockout punch.

“I wouldn’t have to be an asshole if you’d learn to take the hint and quit being a desperate parasite.”

Anger brews in my gut. Screw him.

He’ll see how desperate and dependent I am when I never speak to him again.

“Better a parasite than a coward,” I toss out as I walk over to his window.

It’s pouring again, but I’d rather be caught in the rain for an entire week than be anywhere near him.

I can feel him behind me. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Being careful not to slip, I open the screen and slowly start guiding myself out the window. “Not everyone can keep their feelings bottled up inside for eternity because they’re scared.” I stretch my arm out toward the tree branch so I can swing myself over. The rain is beating so hard it’s hard to focus. “I’m not a robot like you are. I can’t pretend not to feel—”

I yelp when my hand slides off the branch and I lose my balance. I’m almost positive I’m going to plummet, and my face will break my fall, but Jace grabs my legs and hauls me back, causing me to bump the side of his house instead.

He doesn’t bother hiding the mocking glint in his tone as he wrangles me through the window frame. “I told you it was dangerous.”

After gathering my bearings, I turn to face him. “Want a cookie?”

“Considering you’ve burnt every single batch you’ve ever made; I’ll pass.”

Now he’s just being petty. “I’d rather be a terrible baker than a vapid coward.”

His eyes flash. “Call me that one more time and I swear—”

“What?” I goad. “You won’t talk to me for a few days? Threaten to end our friendship?” I jab a finger in his chest. “Guess what? I no longer care because we’re no longer friends.” I shove him with every morsel of frustration and rage I have flowing through me. “God, I can’t believe I gave my heart to such a cruel, vapid, cowa—”

It happens so quickly, I’m convinced I must be dreaming.

Because why else would Jace Covington—my best friend turned crush turned enemy—be kissing me?

But he is.

Jace is kissing me.

And it’s…

I don’t know. I’m still too shocked to breathe, let alone move.

I want to kick myself when he pulls away.

“You talk an awful lot of shit for someone who can’t back it up, Taylor.”

I want to wipe the gorgeous smirk off his face. “I can back it up, Covington. Trust me.”

“Then prove it.” His hand finds the curve of my hip. “Kiss me like you’re mine. I dare you.”

I coil my fingers around the nape of his neck. “I am yo—”

His mouth is on mine so fast he nearly knocks all of the air from my lungs.

It should be nerve-wracking, considering I haven’t done this before, but it’s not.

It’s alleviating. Like scratching an itch you’ve had for months.

Only ten million times better.

Jace’s lips are every bit as full and soft as they look. I want to stay right here and kiss him forever.

The room starts spinning and I’m fighting to catch my breath when the tip of his tongue enters my mouth.

It’s a curious flicker at first. A quick tease that makes all my nerve-endings stand on end.

Then he groans and goes back for another taste…and everything becomes more.

More heightened. More intense.

As if neither of us can get enough.

One hand grips the back of my neck while his other goes to the small of my back, drawing me closer.

How I ever thought Jace was vapid is beyond me, because right now—I feel everything. His need, his hunger…all the rage that simmers below the surface.

He’s the opposite of colorless.

Jace Covington is blue.

A beautiful, turbulent ocean full of depth…and an incandescent sky that only gives you small glimpses of all its radiant colors…before turning gloomy and dark.

“I see you,” I breathe between kisses. “You’re my favorite color.”

I expect him to tell me I’m a weirdo, but his lips curve into a smile before he pulls me toward his bed.

My stomach freefalls when my back hits the mattress and he settles on top of me.

Jace might not act like his feelings for me are mutual, but he’s kissing me like he’s been trapped in the desert for days and I’m the only source of water for miles.

As if he wants me every bit as Copyright 2016 - 2024