Cruel Billionaire (Rich & Shameless #1) - Luma Rose Page 0,93

my ear. “Hello?”

“Is this Isla?” a woman’s voice says on the other end.

“It is. Can I help you?” This must have to do with the campaign.

“Oh, good. This is Harper Stone, Garrin’s sister.”

My eyes widen, and I look at Everly, who’s looking at me with curiosity.

“Oh, hi,” I stutter.

“Who is it?” Everly whispers across the table.

“I just heard the big news—not from my brother no less—and I just had to touch base with the woman who will be my new sister. Did I catch you at a bad time?”

Her voice is chipper and full of excitement, which sets me at ease. I’d worried that maybe she was calling because she wasn’t happy about the engagement. Harper was a freshman when we were seniors, and I don’t really remember her other than she was always taking pictures of herself and all her friends.

“Well, I’m just out for dinner with a friend at Haven.”

“Oh, I love that place!”

I smile at what seems to be her natural enthusiasm for all things.

“It’s one of my favs too.”

“How about I join you? I’m not too far away, actually, and I’m dying to get to know you.” I cringe to Everly.

“Uh… sure. Yeah, okay.”

“Awesome! I’ll see you in ten.”

The line goes dead and I stare at my phone.

“Who was that?” she asks, sipping her drink.

“Garrin’s sister. She kind of invited herself to join us, and I didn’t know what to say. Do you mind?”

She shrugs, always one to roll with it. “The more the merrier. Besides, she’ll be the one who can give us the real dirt on her brother.” She grins wickedly and I chuckle.

“Not sure there’s much dirt to get, but okay.” I shrug and take a healthy sip of my wine.

Though she sounded easy-going and on board with my engagement on the phone, I’m nervous to meet Garrin’s sister. I don’t know much more about her than the fact that she’s three years younger than him and some kind of social influencer.

Our dinner arrives and Everly and I continue to chat. Thirty minutes later, we’ve finished our meals and the plates have been cleared when Harper makes her entrance.

“I’m sorry I’m late!” she says like she was invited.

It’s all I can do not to laugh.

“I’m always late. You’ll figure that out soon enough. Give me a fake time for that wedding so I make it on time.” She smiles and looks between Everly and me. “Isla,” she sighs.

I nod and smile, standing from my chair.

She yanks me into a hug and squeezes me with way more force than I would have thought her little body is capable of. “I knew Garrin was always into brunettes.” She pulls away and looks over at Everly. “No offense.”

“None taken.” Everly laughs.

“It’s good to meet you, too. Harper, this is my friend Everly.”

“I know.” She reaches out and they shake hands. Then she whips back around and reaches for my left hand, yanking it up in front of her eyes like she can gauge a diamond’s worth with a naked eye. “Damn, brother. You did good.” She looks from the ring up to me. “I was worried that without my input, he’d mess it up, but I guess I underestimated him.”

I chuckle. “He did just fine on his own, I’d say.”

“Definitely.” She sits down and gets herself situated, so I take the opportunity to study her for a moment. She’s a petite little thing and her bubbly personality seems evident. Her hair color matches her brother’s—dark brown—but her eyes are a light hazel that are somewhat mesmerizing since they’re surrounded by long dark lashes.

“Excuse me, miss, can I get you something to drink?” Our waiter returns to our table, seeing that we now have an addition.

“Yes, we’re celebrating. Bring us your best bottle of champagne.” She looks from him to both Everly and myself. “Have you had your dessert yet?”

“No, we weren’t sure we were going to,” I say.

She gives me an are-you-crazy look and returns her attention to the waiter. “Bring us a tray of your various desserts too. Three plates and three forks. We’ll figure it out.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He gives her a little bow and retreats.

“If you haven’t eaten and want to order dinner, we can wait,” I say.

Harper waves me off. “Please. I got here just in time for the best part of the meal.”

“I have a feeling I’m going to like you,” Everly says, grinning over at Harper.

“Thanks!” She doesn’t have big lips, but her smile transforms her entire face. There’s something very Copyright 2016 - 2024