Cruel Billionaire (Rich & Shameless #1) - Luma Rose Page 0,79

scooch off the bed. “I’ll come with you.”

He gives me a curious look but doesn’t argue as we both get dressed. There’s something I’ve been wanting to do and I’m hoping this will provide me the opportunity.

Garrin takes my hand in his as we head toward the foyer to take the elevator down. “Fair warning, you never know what you’re gonna see when the elevator doors open on that level. Last month I had the distinct pleasure of walking in on Asher drilling some chick on the pool table.” He hits the button on the wall to call the elevator.

I scrunch my face up in distaste. “Well, let’s hope that’s not the case tonight.”

The elevator arrives and he chuckles as he steps inside. “No promises.”

A minute passes and the doors open on the Titans’ Den level. We step out, and thankfully there’s no sex happening, at least in the main area of the space. Asher, Lincoln, and Ryker are all seated on the couch, watching something on the television. Their heads swivel in our direction, and whoever has the remote pauses what’s on the screen.

“Don’t let us bother you. We’re just here for some wine.” Garrin drops my hand and walks past the seating area toward the large wine fridge that must hold more than a hundred bottles.

All three of the Classholes stand from the couch. None of them appear surprised to see me, but their expressions lead me to believe they might be a little curious as to what I’m doing here.

“Hey, Isla, how’s it going?” Lincoln says and steps toward me to give me a hug.

I return it.

“Thanks, good to see you again. I hear your cybersecurity firm has been quite successful. Congrats.”

“Like taking candy from a baby. Most of the corporations we work with wouldn’t know how to pen-test their shit if their children’s lives depended on it.” I look at him awkwardly because I have no idea what he’s talking about, and he chuckles.

“Sorry, I know nothing about cyber anything. Even back in high school, I always had to ask Everly for help when I had a problem with my computer.” I smile, but something passes over his face at the mention of Everly’s name, though I’m not sure exactly what.

“Good to see you,” he says.

I step over to Ryker and Asher, who are looking at me expectantly. I’ve seen both of them since my return, but I didn’t know then what I do now. Without warning, I raise my hand and slap Ryker across the face. His eyes widen and he holds his hand to his cheek.

Asher starts laughing, and I turn in his direction and do the same to him. He shuts up instantly.

My back is to Garrin, so I can’t see his reaction, but nonetheless I feel his energy and he’s primed to intervene if necessary.

“What the fuck was that about?” Asher growls.

“That is for going out and sleeping with me to win points for your stupid game.” I turn in Ryker’s direction. “And that is for taping me losing my virginity to Asher.”

Neither of them say a word, though they both look at Garrin accusingly over my shoulder. At least they have it in them to look chagrined.

“I’m sorry. It was a stupid thing to do,” Ryker says.

“It was,” I say with my hands on my hips. “Now as far as I’m concerned, this is the last time we’ll speak of it, and we’ll move on from here. Agreed?”

Ryker nods as does Asher, though a little more reluctantly.

“Good.” I inhale a calming breath.

Garrin appears at my side, holding up a bottle of red wine. “Found it. Why don’t you take it back up to my place and I’ll be there in a minute?”

“Sure.” I reach for the bottle and head toward the elevator. Garrin’s already given me a black card so I can get up to his place, and I’m more than happy to leave now that I’ve had my moment with his two friends.

I step back onto the elevator, smiling to myself. It feels good to take ownership over my life. I only wish I’d done it sooner.


Chapter Thirty-two


“Something you wanna tell us, Stone?” Asher asks, his hand still on his cheek.

He seems almost sober tonight. Maybe hell is freezing over.

I bite back my laughter that Isla actually did that. “I told her about the game.”

I should’ve suspected something when Isla wanted to come with me to get the wine. She’s making me soft. In the end, she deserved the opportunity Copyright 2016 - 2024