A Crown Of Smoke And Ash - Sloane Murphy Page 0,90

specifics, but this threat is coming, and it is greater than you can imagine. You will need every ally you can gather, all of the factions have their parts to play in this. I am glad I could be here to assist you, and I am proud to call you my friend. No matter what comes, I will be at your side.” She hugs me, and I fight back tears. I swear, I was never a crier before, but these people in my life, they all care and love so fiercely, it’s like I can’t control the tears.

“Thank you.” I sigh as she squeezes me tighter.

“Thank you, Remy. Now, I must head home and prepare. You three have places to be.” She winks at me, and then steps through a portal of her own.

“At least I know how you always arrive so quickly now.” I tell Fallon with a laugh, and she shrugs.

“You’re officially one of us now, so I don’t have to keep secrets from you anymore. Thank the fates. So what did Mama mean, we have places to be?”

“Dinner, at the manor, with the guys,” I tell her, and her eyes go wide.

“They’re letting Colt come to the manor?” She looks between us, and Colt rolls his eyes.

“They don’t know,” he tells her with wide eyes.

“Holy shit, I am definitely there for this. Can I have popcorn for the show?” I laugh at her dramatics, but she might not be far wrong.

“It’s going to be fine,” I tell them, waving off their concern. “Come on, let’s get back to the car, and I’ll text Everly to let her know we’re heading back.”

“Oh my god, that woman’s cooking is divine,” Fallon gushes, and Colt laughs.

“You’ll just put anything in your mouth, won’t you?”

She glares at him and huffs.

“Not everything.” She walks slightly ahead, and I smack my brother around the back of his head.

“My god, you’re a dummy.” I shake my head, and walk faster to catch up to Fallon when I hear him call out.

“What?” I turn back and glare at him, but then stick out my tongue so he knows I’m not angry, then link arms with Fallon as we make the ridiculous trek back down to where we left the car.

Chapter Twenty

“Honey, I’m home,” I holler as I enter the house, Fallon and Colt follow closely behind.

“Hi sweetheart,” Everly greets us, fussing over us as she always does. “Dinner will be about an hour okay?”

“That’s perfect, thank you.” I kiss her cheek, and she hugs me again before wondering off.

“Who was that?” Colt asks, and I smile.

“That, is the best damn woman you’ll meet. Present company excluded… actually no, she’s better than us too.” I laugh, and Fallon joins me.

“You’re not wrong.”

We head into the sitting room, while Colt just kind of gawks at the house, though this is nothing compared to what he was like as we approached. I find Levi and Creek seated at the table, looking over a map. They look up and smile at me, but Levi’s face falls when he sees who is behind me.

“We have guests,” he grits out, rolling up the map before him.

“Hey guys,” Creek says with a smile, before looking to me, as if in warning. I knew he wouldn’t be a problem, but the Angel before me, yeah this might not be as easy as I thought.

“We do,” I tell Levi in response to his statement. “We had a really good meeting with the Witches, so I wanted to celebrate.” Creek approaches, and I kiss his cheek as he passes to say hello to the others, so I walk over to where Levi sits, practically shaking with rage.

“You didn’t think to let us know we’d have guests?”

“You said this was my house too, I didn’t realize I needed permission,” I tell him softly, not wanting to get into this, because I have a feeling I’m going to go through it all again when the other two appear.

“For Fallon, no, she is welcome. But your brother cannot be trusted.”

“Levi, I don’t want to fight with you about this, but he is my brother, he already knows what’s going on. If he was going to betray us, he could have at any point, but he’s not handed me over to the angry Hunters who still want my head, or told any of them about what is happening.”

“He could be biding his time.”

“Please, just calm yourself. I just want my family, all of my family, to enjoy a meal

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