A Crown Of Smoke And Ash - Sloane Murphy Page 0,71

is happening. While I have no doubt the man has every faith in his son, I feel his pain, because watching this isn’t going to be easy for either of us.

I grip the tree tighter as they shift to their wolf forms. Roman’s midnight wolf is huge, but the snow white wolf opposing him isn’t exactly small. I hold my breath, and force myself to sit still against every instinct and want inside of me as the challenge begins. Roman holds back, letting the older wolf come to him, watching for his weaknesses, for his favored movements. Just as we did when we trained together. I know in my soul he can win this, but I do not know this Dante, and so, I do not know his fighting style, though from what I have seen in the few minutes I’ve been sat here, that feels like hours, it is sloppy. How he rose to his position baffles me.

I watch with bated breath as Roman finally strikes back at the other wolf, injuring him enough to gain the upper hand, but not enough that the fight is over yet. A strategy perhaps, but we hadn’t discussed this, did not think it would happen.

I feel the sting of my palm as I grip the bark so hard it cuts my flesh, but I pay no mind to it. My entire focus is on the Lycans in front of me.

Dante lunges again, and Roman uses it to his advantage swiping at the underbelly of the other wolf. The whine whips out, almost like a lash against my skin, a death blow, but not an instant death, it will take time to die of the injury if not treated, and that is not how a challenge is won. Roman growls at the white wolf, as if telling him to yield, but the wolf snarls back, snapping his jaws.

So be it. I can practically hear the words in Roman’s head as he darts towards the fell wolf, and takes his throat between his sharp teeth and shakes. The crack of bones is so loud, made louder by the silence and stillness that follows.

I finally take a deep breath, knowing that he is safe, that he was triumphant, and relax my position against the trunk of the tree. That was too much.

He shifts back to his human form and his father clasps his shoulder, his face a mix of pride and sorrow. “You fought well.” The only words before he takes his hand and lifts it. “I give you, our Alpha of Alphas.”

Howls fill the air, each pack celebrating the crowning of their new leader. The noise dies down as Roman approaches Dante’s pack. A man comes to the front to greet him, his head bowed.

“Stefan, you rise to the position of Alpha of the Wind Winder pack. Do you accept the position?” Roman’s voice carries, proud and strong, and the Lycan before him drops to one knee.

“It would be my honor and privilege.”

“Rise.” They clasp each other’s forearms, and it is done, the Wind Winder Pack cheering at the appointment of their new Alpha. I’m assuming he was Dante’s second beforehand, and I have no doubt he will have challenges of his own to deal with once they leave here.

Chapter Sixteen

Dinner last night turned out to be a really great evening. Seeing the youngsters run around in their wolf forms was adorable, and watching them play with the adults was just heartwarming. Roman changed into his wolf form, and sat in the middle of the room, the kids jumping all over him, and I swear, my ovaries exploded. Seeing how good he is with them, it was everything.

Then this morning I managed to get out for an early morning run to burn off some of the immense amounts of food I ate last night, and clear my head before the remaining packs arrived. Thankfully they arrived with no drama, and I met some of the warmest, most welcoming people I've ever met in my many lives. The sun is at its highest, and we are near the airstrip on the compound, the huge open space filled with bodies, the packs split into groups before us, with Roman’s pack with us, up on this stage that Tobias pieced together this morning.

Each and every single person is here, even the children. None are sheltered from the truth, from the possibility of what is to come.

"Brothers, Sisters. Pack," Roman’s voice booms across the space, and silence falls

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