A Crown Of Smoke And Ash - Sloane Murphy Page 0,55

we do.

I'm guessing I'll finally get that fuck in the shower now.

Chapter Thirteen

We arrive back at the manor two days later, tired and grouchy, but happy at least that we were successful. And having the time with Creek that we haven’t had chance for recently was nice too. I sigh contently as I drop onto the sofa and put my head in Roman’s lap where he’s sitting, reading something on his table.

“Tired, Princess?” he says, running a hand through my hair while he reads.

“Um-hum. That feels so good.”

“You have a successful trip?” he asks, and I nod while he keeps stroking my hair. “I’m glad to hear it, we had some reasonable success too. Though, I hope you don’t have an aversion to traveling, because you’re going to be doing a fair bit of it the next few weeks.”

“What do you mean?” I ask sleepily, trying not to yawn.

“I mean, that I reached out to the packs. While some are open to the possibilities of working with the Hunters again, I couldn’t tell them everything over the phone. So I called a reckoning, a meeting of the packs. Each pack from around the world is traveling to my home. It’s the only place big enough for everyone. It’ll take them a little time to get arrive, but that gives us time to get there and get the place ready. I already called ahead to Theron and Tobias to start opening up the main house, and the guest houses, but my own pack is small compared to the others. They’ll need some help.”

“More driving, awesome.” I sigh and sit up. “But it will be nice to see the pack, it has been a while.”

“That it has,” he agrees. “Though we won’t be driving. I’ve had my plane chartered to fly us home. There’s a runway at the house, and its private, so no announcing your movements either.”

“Ooooh, flashy I’ve never been on a plane,” I say, and he grins.

“Very, very private too.” He leans in and kisses me, promises of what’s to come sealed with his lips.

“You’re back,” Levi’s words trickle through to my consciousness, and I pull back from Roman.

“I am. Creek and Fallon went straight to bed. I don’t blame them, it’s been a long few days,” I say as he sits on my other side and lifts my feet into his lap. He starts to massage them, and I groan, laying my head back in Roman’s lap.

This is the life.

“You look like you’re enjoying yourself, mon coeur,” Kain says, when he enters the room. I open my eyes, and find him leaning on the doorframe from the hall to where we’re all staying.

“What’s not to enjoy?” I ask.

“You should relax while you can. I’m sure Roman told you about the traveling?”

“About seeing the packs, he did.”

“And then onto France, to my home, to see if we can win my people over with your wit and charm.”

“He left that part out,” I say, and Roman grunts beneath me. “But I’m more than happy to go. Anything else I missed?”

“Well…” Levi adds. “The hybrid didn’t give us much. It seems that whatever they’re doing to create the hybrid takes away a lot of function. They’re essentially just grunts, fucking lethal deadly grunts, but still, from what I can they’re cannon fodder. To cut through whatever numbers they expect to encounter before they send in others. We’re hoping we can get more information from the beast, but I’m not going to hold my breath. I might also have some information on the weapons that were used against the Hunters. But I’m waiting on Serafina.”

I roll my eyes at the casual mention of her name. “Of course you are.”

I feel a little bad, because I know she’s his link to Avalon, and she could also be cast out if someone were to find out she was helping us. But I saw the way she looked at him, and missing the way she looked at me was impossible.

“Someone sounds jealous,” Levi teases, and I roll my eyes.

“Have you seen you?” I say, and Kain laughs, while Roman grumbles, but goes back to his reading.

“I have, I am pretty spectacular. I can’t blame you for being jealous really.”

“Right, like you didn’t notice that she’s practically a runway model too,” I huff, sitting up to face him with my feet still in his lap.

“I’m taking that as my cue to leave. Goodnight, mon amour,” Kain says, planting a kiss on the top of my head

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