A Crown Of Smoke And Ash - Sloane Murphy Page 0,31

tension I can feel behind my eyes.

"Right, awesome. Any news on the weapon?" I ask Levi who shakes his head.

"No confirmations yet, and I don't want to speculate yet either. But if there are more samples, they could help us confirm what the material is."

"Not to pile on, mon amour, but we have discovered some very strange deaths too. One of Luc's lieutenants came across a small nest of rogue Dracul who had obviously not joined whatever this new group is, and they were, quite literally, in pieces. What makes it so strange, is the teeth and claw marks we've been able to determine are neither Dracul or Lycan. It was something else."

"I might have an idea what it was," Roman says grimly. "One of my packs, west from here, they found a body. It was unlike anything I've ever seen. We've started calling it a hybrid, because that's the closest thing I can compare it to. It has claws like a half shifted Lycan but coated in the venom from a Dracul’s bite. And its teeth, while formed like a Lycans, four lengthened canines, they have a secondary set that sit behind those four, that are like hooks, there purely to either latch on to its victim, or tear the flesh as they rip free.

We're unsure as to how it died, or even how to kill it, but my people are looking into it." Roman’s words send a shiver running through me.

"Can I see the body?" Levi asks him, and Roman nods.

"We could use all the help we can get. I've honestly never seen anything like it. It just feels wrong. It smells like death. Not many of my Lycans wanted anything to do with it, and having been around it myself, I can't fault them for it."

"We should go today, if it’s what I suspect, time isn't on our side," Levi says gravely, and I shiver again.

"Okay, well while you guys go deal with that, Kain, I was wondering if we could train? I haven't in a while, and I need to do something. Much as I love this place, I'm not used to not having a purpose, a mission. Something," I say.

"Of course, mon coeur." He nods with a glint in his eye, and I just know he's going to enjoy having the upper hand.

"Creek, you want to join us?" I ask him, and he smiles at me again.

"If Kain doesn't mind. Not every day that the King of Dracul, General of the Darkness offers up his sword to train the enemy." Creek winks at him, and Kain laughs.

"That is a name I haven't heard in a very long time. It would be my pleasure to take you both to the mat."

"We'll see what you've got old man," Creek whips back a glint in his eye.

"I'm kind of sad I'm not going to get to see this," Levi says with a laugh.

"I second that," Roman huffs. "I'll train with you both tomorrow. I'm sure I've got some moves I could teach you." He winks at me, with dark promises in his eyes.

"I might just hold you to that."

"We should go, before we don't leave at all," Levi says, his face a mix of heat and regret. "But you better believe I'll have my turn training all of you." The innuendos flying around shock me, I hadn't ever considered Levi swinging both ways, but I suppose, immortality will teach you to explore. I look at the other two immortals in the room, and I realize that Kain's eyes spark at the idea, I guess Levi isn't alone in that sentiment.

I shake my head. I've got more important things to do than fantasize about my very beautiful men and how we might share each other. Levi walks over and kisses me, claiming me in front of the others, and I feel his heat wash over me. "Be safe, I'll be back later."

His voice wraps around me and I sigh, kissing him again softly.

"You be safe too."

He steps back, and without barely time to take a breath, Roman is on me with a growl. "One day, you won't be covered in someone else's scent by the time I get to you."

He kisses me fiercely, hand bunched in my hair, another gripping my hip so hard I know I'll bruise, but I can't find it in me to care.

"Come on, pup. We should head out." Levi's voice trickles through to my consciousness as Roman slows our kiss.

"We're not finished here, Princess,"

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