A Crown Of Smoke And Ash - Sloane Murphy Page 0,27

it has it. And then, there’s the library. I have no words for that place.”

“Well show me then, what are we standing here for!” She laughs, so I lead her down the hall to my room, and let her drop her jacket and shoes in there. I show her the pool quickly, and try not to think about earlier, before taking her to the library. I open the doors and she breezes past me. I might be a book lover, but I have nothing on Fallon.

“Holy fucking shit. This place is heaven. There has to be over a hundred thousand books in here.”

“I don’t even want to think about counting them!” I laugh as she spins in the open space before the staircase. She sits on the bottom step and leans back, taking it all in.

“I almost want to cry for all the pages in here going unread,” she says, shaking her head. “And you helped build this?”

“That’s what he says.” I sigh.

“Are your journals here?” she asks, and I go wide eyed. Shit. Why hadn’t I thought of that? I’ve spent enough time in here the last few days, and it hadn’t even crossed my mind. God damn penis genie with wings has my mind warped.

“I have no idea, but if I helped build this place, and I’ve known him in every single one of my lives, this seems as good a place as any, right?” I look around the room, so many possibilities. “But I mean, we need to catch up, because I might not even need my journals.”

“You’re going to have to expand here, girl.”

“He can restore my memories. All of them.”

“He can do what?”

“Yup. Crazy huh?” I tilt my head and shrug my shoulders before sitting next to her. “Okay, I think we need to do a rewind here and go back to what happened after you were arrested.”

So, I tell her everything, up until the end of the meeting with my brothers a few days ago.

“I swear, your brothers are fucking idiots,” she says, “But honestly, I’m glad you’re okay, and I owe Levi a debt for saving my best friend. I don’t know what, but something. I couldn’t live this crazy without you.”

“I love you too, Fal. So, I’m guessing you and Colt still aren’t on good terms?” She shakes her head and I sigh.

“Am I ever going to hear about what actually happened with you guys? You’re both so unusually tight lipped about it.”

“Not likely,” she says with a thin smile. “It doesn’t matter, nothing is going to happen there. As your brother reminded me.”

“Okay, well I’m here if you want to rant, I’m fully aware of how much of a douchebag Colt can be.” I wrap an arm around her and squeeze her.

“Girls, dinner is nearly done!” Everly calls out from the doorway and we stand.

“Thanks Everly. We’ll get washed up and head in. You rock.”

“Oh, now then, Remy. You’ll make me blush,” she says, waving me off before she retreats.

“So, she knows my mom,” Fallon says, more of a question than a statement.

“She knew my mom,” I tell her quietly. “I don’t think they met all that often, but from how Everly was talking, it sounded like they knew each other pretty well I think.”

“Wow. Did not expect that.”

“Story of the last week or so of my life, it’s been insane.”

“Yeah I bet, I have no idea how you’re even still standing after everything.”

“Honestly? I think I’m teetering on the edge of breakdown. I just haven’t examined it all too closely yet.” I wave her off, because I really don’t want to think about it, and we make our way to the kitchen. I wash my hands before heading to the table, and Fallon follows suit.

“I hope you’re hungry. Chicken parmigiana with potato gratin and veggies is one of my favorites,” Everly says as she places the plates on the table, and I realize there’s four. Seconds later, Levi walks into the room, and it’s like all the air is sucked out. He’s got those god damn sweats on again, with a tight white t-shirt. I never should have told him how weak those sweatpants make me, dammit.

“Hey,” he says as he smiles down at me, and kisses the top of my head before sitting beside me, while Everly takes the final chair.

“Hey.” I smile at him. “Fallon, Levi, Levi, Fallon.”

I try not to laugh at my friend as she very obviously gawks over the Angel sat next to me, my

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