A Crown Of Smoke And Ash - Sloane Murphy Page 0,128

for better or worse.”

“I just hope we all survive what is to come,” I sigh softly.

“You and me both.”

We returned home last night, and I discovered why Kain and Roman have been MIA for as long as they have.

There’s a freaking Lycan in the basement.

Of course, there is.

I went straight to bed last night, not wanting to discuss the fact we have yet another prisoner. This isn’t how I saw things going, this isn’t the person I want to be, but I also realize that we’re running out of time, and these guys have always done things a certain way. While we all work as equals, I asked them to get information. They’re doing that, so I have no justification to feel as exasperated as I do.

I take a deep breath as I sit on the new sofa, huddling away in the corner of it, bringing my knees to my chest.

“This was looking to be such a good day.” I shake my head and pinch the bridge of my nose.

“It’s going to be a better day, Princess. We can finally get information. Information we’ve been after for god knows how long. I know how to make a Lycan talk,” Roman smiles, looking so pleased with himself.

“And you’re positive he’s a rogue, working with the others?”

“Considering where we found him, yes.” He shrugs, and I can tell he’s frustrated that I’m not as happy as he is about this development.

“Do you think he’ll talk to you? To us?”

“He will. He might not know much, but what he does know, we’ll know. This could be what we need, to gain the upper hand. He could know who is doing this, what they want. How they’re going to try and get it. Why they’re targeting you. I am sick of your life being in constant danger. If I can get the information for that traitor asshole, then I’m going to.” He sits beside me, and takes my hand while Kain and the others stand quietly around the room. I get it, this is essentially my decision. Do we want the information or not, but either way, that Lycan is going to die. For defecting, for the crimes he’s committed since he left pack.

“Get what we need, but that is it. Make it quick beyond that.” My phone buzzes on the sofa next to me, and I see a message from Nasari. “But it’s going to be down to you and Kain, because the Hunters have made their decisions quickly. Us three are wanted back at the chambers.”

“I’ll go get dressed.” Levi turns and leaves the room, and I half wish he wouldn’t get dressed. Topless in those sweatpants is one of my favorite looks on him, because damn.

“You guys going to be okay doing this without us?” Creek asks, and Roman scoffs.

“Boy, I’ve been interrogating idiot Lycans longer than you’ve existed.” I roll my eyes as they posture and shoot insults at one another.

Are you okay, mon amour? Kain’s voice sounds in my head, and I let out a long breath.

I will be. I tell him, and stand when Levi reappears.

I guess this is it.

Time to go and see if everything I’ve been trying to achieve throughout my entire existence will come to pass.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

The chambers are buzzing when we arrive, but the sea of people still part when Levi walks into the room, giving us a path straight to Nasari. I don’t recognize this room, it’s not the one we did the ritual in, but it doesn’t look much different, just bigger.

“Ah, you’re here. It has been an insane day my friends. An insane day. We are almost ready to vote, as you can see, more than just the two representatives I asked for from each guild turned up, but the more witnesses the merrier, am I right?”

I can’t help but laugh at his exuberance, I guess I am not the only one excited about the potential today has. “So what is the plan?”

Levi looks down at the Hunter, who looks half terrified as he bows his head slightly. “Yes, of course. So each guild has had time to go away and deliberate on whether or not they wanted to seat a new Elder, and if they voted to, they have then voted on a new Elder for their guild. I understand you haven’t voted for yours, so please feel free to speak to your representatives, I believe you both know Maddie and Nate. They’re around here somewhere.” I wave him off,

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