Crown of Moonlight (Court of Midnight and Deception #2) - K.M. Shea Page 0,69

see the stag’s nostrils were flared, and the whites of its eyes showed in its fright.

This isn’t going to work. I made Fell too angry when I argued with him. He’s not going to let Verdant get through.

“Move it!” Birch snarled.

“So sorry—I’m just such a clumsy rider.” I attempted to sound as apologetic as possible. If he figured out I was doing this on purpose it was going to be harder to pull off—but I didn’t think I could keep it going much longer anyway.

They’re catching up to the stag. I thought Verdant would be more competitive, but it looks like Fell is just overwhelming her. I’m going to have to act.

The anger that had been boiling in my stomach flared.

I was still enraged by this needlessly cruel act. But if I succeeded at this, it was going to be incredibly satisfying.

“That was a rather poor shot, King Fell.” Birch pointedly reined his sun stallion past me as he hurried to catch up with the other two monarchs. “Can’t you do any better?”

“Patience. The key to a good hunt is all in the thrill of the chase,” Fell boasted. “Wouldn’t you say so, Verdant?”

“Not particularly,” Verdant said.

“Ahh Verdant—you are always such a drip on these thrilling adventures.” Fell rolled his eyes, then nudged his sun stallion into a trot, taking the lead again before Birch could catch up.

“Come on, Verdant. Can’t you smile even once? It’s one of the only tolerable things about you,” Birch sneered.

I frowned. Why are they picking on Verdant? I know they said she normally releases the stag if she catches it, but doesn’t Solis, too? They haven’t said a mean word to him.

It was also interesting that, even though Solis was in the middle of the pack in terms of power, all the other monarchs took great care to gently handle their horses in front of him.

Verdant ignored the Summer King and cantered after Fell.

I trotted after them. “Steve,” I called. “Now, please.” I nudged Comet into a canter as my shade—who had been bounding behind me—let out an eerie, soulful howl that made the sun stallions scream and briefly upset the hounds.

We raced across the far side of the field, easily catching up with the other monarchs.

As much as Fell liked to mock my poor night mares for their skinny appearance, the fact was they could easily outpace the sun stallions—something I intended to use to my advantage shortly.

This forest wasn’t quite as tightly planted as the other, and there were a few trails that wound through it.

I strained my ears to listen over the baying dogs and the pounding hooves as the other monarchs slowed to a trot—with Verdant and Fell jostling for the lead position.

And then I heard it—a noise that sounded like an angry goblin drowning in a swimming pool.

Chapter Sixteen


I pressed my leg into Comet’s side, and she burst sideways, taking the dirt path that split off from the main one the others were on.

“The hunt is this way, Queen Leila,” Fell called after me.

I ignored him and whistled for my shades, who split off from the pack and joined me.

Only Rigel thundered after the other monarchs, as he had agreed to when I first came up with this plan.

With no one around us to box us in, Comet zoomed down the dirt path, sending clods of turf flying as the shades loped behind us.

Kevin howled again.

Comet casually cantered for a few strides, and then the angry goblin cry came again—this time from slightly east of the original cry, but still farther north.

My heart pounded in my throat, and my palms were sweaty in my gloves.

I hope they understood everything I wanted. Is this even possible? It means they have to communicate. I know they’re smart, and with my magic that should only be amplified. But is my magic strong enough?

Something deep inside of me—the thing that had been gnawing at my insides ever since I’d failed to hold the barrier—washed over me.

I can’t do this—I can’t even save my people. I’m going to fail.

“No,” I said out loud. “No! I don’t care what I can and can’t do—I’m not going to let that stag be killed because Fell has the personality of a farting gorilla!”

Comet snorted, and I hunkered down over her neck as I listened.

A shade howled, and I pulled Comet to a stop just where our path split with another.

I couldn’t see the other monarchs anymore, but I could faintly hear them.

And now we wait.

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