Crown of Moonlight (Court of Midnight and Deception #2) - K.M. Shea Page 0,52

another children’s animated film starting in ten minutes,” Skye said.

“Good! The second round of movies has started—I’d say we’re about halfway done today.” Leila pumped an arm, then took a sip from her soda.

From our spot in the movie theater lobby, I could see the entrances to the three theaters Leila had rented for the afternoon’s Court event.

A pixie flew out of theater one and darted into the bathroom while Indigo led a group of naiads to theater two.

Humans gawked from the other side of the lobby, slowly moving over to the theater rooms Leila hadn’t rented for the afternoon.

“Any complaints, Skye?” Leila asked.

“None so far,” Skye said.

“Excellent. I thought this would be a fun change of pace since the mini golf outing was unexpectedly popular.” Leila rattled the ice in her paper cup and chewed on her straw.

“I’m surprised you were willing to spend the money to rent out the theaters,” I said.

“Well, it’s the afternoon. The rental fee is cheaper since it’s matinee shows. And I just had to pay for the room rental. Since most fae won’t know any better, I decided not to rent new movies because they are so expensive, and just got the theater to put up movies that came out about five years ago. To top it off, I’m making everyone buy their own food as ‘part of the experience’!”

Leila placed a hand over her heart. “My accountant was really impressed with my ability to cut financial corners. But—most importantly—everyone seems to be enjoying themselves!”

“It is a well-planned event,” Skye said. “Each of the two showings per theater is sold out.”

“Yeah, I thought having the two rounds of movies would give fae more flexibility to come when they wanted, but it seems like most everyone is attending two showings.” Leila waved to a troll that ambled past.

“Indeed. Next time we should perhaps begin earlier to fit three rounds of movies in?” Skye asked.

“I was actually considering taking everyone bowling, or maybe going to a play or musical or something. But after the popularity of the movies, there’s no way we could do that. There are too many of us,” Leila said.

“You could limit it to the nobles,” Skye said.

“No—that’s not fair,” Leila said.

“Then limit it to everyone who is not noble, and make the nobles pay to go,” I said.

Leila slowly turned toward me, as if moved by a crank. “Rigel, you are brilliant!”

“Now that’s something you don’t hear every day!” Dion laughed as he descended on us. “Good afternoon, Queen Leila. You look very stylish today!” He bowed to her before he draped an arm over my shoulders.

“Thank you, Lord Dion.” Leila smiled. “I’m glad you could make it today.”

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world!” Dion winked. “I’ve been to many theaters myself, but it’s rare to see my kinsmen in a place like this. We should get some good laughs. Wouldn’t you agree, Skye?”

I was almost positive Skye knew Dion was interested in her. My guess was confirmed based on the way she stared at him and spoke in a flat tone. “We should not wish for laughs at the expense of others due to their ignorance, but strive to help them learn and understand.”

“You’re right, of course,” Dion said, ever able to shift in hopes of finding favor with her. “I am lucky to call you a friend so you can correct me like that.”

“I would not presume to call each other friends,” Skye said.

Leila sidled up next to me and tapped my elbow. She looked at Skye and Dion, then grinned.

I shook my head.

No. Not going to happen—at least not anytime soon.

“Oh, then what would you call me?” Dion gave her his best smile, helped along by a tiny bit of illusion magic that made his teeth sparkle.

Skye furrowed her brow. “The suitor of Queen Leila who was not worthy of her?”

Leila snorted into her mostly empty soda, then violently coughed to cover her strangled laugh.

I was similarly amused—Dion hadn’t been turned down by a woman a day in his life. Leila had never responded to his compliments and attempts at winning her over, but he hadn’t really wanted to marry her, so it hadn’t bothered him much.

But this would.

Dion opened and closed his mouth several times. “You—that is…what?”

Skye bowed her head. “Quite.”

Dion was my friend—however reluctant I was to admit it. He was my only friend, actually. But there was still something about the crack of his ego that was deeply satisfying.

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