Crown of Moonlight (Court of Midnight and Deception #2) - K.M. Shea Page 0,47


My shoulders slumped. “That’s what I was afraid of. I appreciate the information, Solis.”

He winked at me, which was dazzling enough to blind me temporarily. “Of course.”

“What are you two conspiring over?” Verdant demanded, interrupting Fell’s latest soliloquy and frowning at Solis and me.

“We’re talking shop—since no one seems to be able to carry on adult conversation here,” I said.

King Birch frowned. “Shop?”

“A bizarre human idiom, I am sure,” King Fell sneered.

I didn’t take the bait, but I did glance at Rigel, who was picking at his food nearly as badly as I was.

I leaned a little closer to my husband, and King Fell continued his tirade.

“It isn’t bad enough we have to bow and scrape to human law outside our lands, now we have to deal with them invading our Courts.”

King Birch lowered his eyes and smirked across the table at me. “It’s no wonder magic is dying, eh?”

“How soon do you think we can leave?” I whispered to Rigel, ignoring the scavengers.

Rigel shrugged. “The feast typically carries on well past dark.”

“Oh heck no, I’m not subjecting us to this for that many hours,” I hissed.

“I am more concerned with our region.” Verdant pressed her lips together in a pout. “We shall be a laughing stock once the West Coast learns of all that has happened within the Night Court.”

“We ought to prepare for the likely wave of night fae seeking to swear themselves to a new Court,” Birch said. “For who could stand her as their monarch?” He nodded his head to me.

“Fae should have a ruler they can respect and fear,” King Fell said. “An individual of tradition and power.” He glanced at me and narrowed his eyes. “And proper pedigree.”

That’s it. I’m not staying for this, even if they are more powerful than me.

“Well, this has all been a bucket of laughs, but it’s time for Rigel and me to leave,” I said.

“You intend to leave before those honored today close the festivities?” Queen Verdant stuck her nose up in the air. “You really are a half blood.”

“It’s true—my human half makes me much weaker to fits of love,” I said.

Queen Rime lowered her cellphone. “Don’t—”

“Fits of what?” Queen Verdant frowned, and a curl from the mass of gold ringlets piled on the top of her head in a style similar to mine slipped free and framed her face.

Queen Rime sighed and went back to her game, effectively checking out of the conversation. Again.

“Fits of love,” I helpfully repeated. I could practically feel Skye’s eyes boring holes in the back of my head, but if I was going to be dragged to these ego-filling ceremonies, I was at least going to get a laugh out of it. “It’s love that drives me away from such a fascinating, admirable, and wonderful ceremony like the one we witnessed tonight. My love of my husband to be precise.”

Queen Verdant frowned and looked from me to Rigel. “Love of the Wrai—I mean, Lord Rigel?”

“Yes. We are deeply—and madly—in love!” I leaned against Rigel’s arm.

Rigel played along in that he didn’t shake me off or do anything besides look stone faced and intimidating.

“Which is why I made the discovery that my artistic skills are not equal to capturing Rigel’s incredible handsomeness, and the light of his gaze.”

“You’re babbling about art again?” King Birch sneered. “Your love is…” he trailed off when he glanced at Rigel, who stared at him from across the table.

He cleared his throat, then grabbed a steaming roll from a tray. He took a bite of it, then carelessly tossed it on his wife’s—Flora’s—plate.

She didn’t seem bothered by it. She ate the roll without complaining.

There is something weird about that.

“You truly expect me to believe the two of you love each other?” Queen Verdant scoffed.

“To be frank, I don’t care what you believe, but I’ll tell the world a thousand times over, I love Rigel!” I boldly declared. “Which is why I’ve come to the realization that drawings, paintings aren’t good enough to capture my fae-bae’s true likeness.”

I passionately clenched my hands and positioned myself so I could see their reactions, because this was going to be fantastic. “It can only be properly taken and recorded by a statue—because only statues can show off Rigel’s chiseled abs to perfection!”

Queen Rime actually spat out her drink, and King Fell, who’d been smirking as he cockily chewed on a cut of meat, choked.

Consort Flora’s eyes widened as she put her hand on King Birch’s arm, but Queen Verdant was probably Copyright 2016 - 2024