Crown of Moonlight (Court of Midnight and Deception #2) - K.M. Shea Page 0,35

of the Wraith.”

I don’t know if it was just because he usually had the facial expressions of a particularly handsome statue, or what, but there was something about the eyebrow that got me.

Like, I’d always known Rigel was drop dead gorgeous—he was a fae, for crying out loud. But his eyes rarely looked anything but dead, and right now…

This is that vampire’s fault, I decided. I wouldn’t be ogling my husband if she hadn’t put stupid thoughts in my head. I mean, do we even count as friends?

I’d been looking away, but when I glanced back at him that slight hitch to his eyebrow was still there.

Oh, yikes. I can’t imagine how handsome he would be if he gave a full on, true blue smile.

I’d seen his eyes brighten once, and it had been enough to throw the dial on his looks into deadly.

He could probably kill people with his good looks alone if he actually smiled.

I briefly scrunched my nose, irritated with myself for allowing myself to be bamboozled.

Obviously, this meant I had no choice but to be annoying.

“Oohh, yeah I wondered about that. I just assumed everyone called you the Wraith because you’re gloomy and silent, but this makes more sense.”

The look in Rigel’s eyes didn’t shift. “It does,” he agreed. “Unlike your very mistaken belief that you’re funny.”

“Ouch.” I clamped my hands to my heart. “Hubby, you wound me! You need to make it up to me.”

Rigel purposely shifted to face the gate. “If you’re going to suggest I talk the chef into allowing a coffee maker into the kitchen, my answer remains no.”

“Even more hurtful! But no.” I had to trot to keep up with him when he took a few steps toward the gates, he was that much taller than me. “I was going to ask if I could feel your abs.”

All of Chase’s people—expect for the dryad, who was now in the middle of a Whiskers-and-Kevin-love-sandwich—stopped and gaped at me.

Even Rigel flicked his eyes down at me, and the dead light in his eyes flickered with curiosity for a moment. “Why?” he asked.

“Well, I figure if I’m going to wax poetry about your muscles—in particular, your abs—to the other monarchs, I should probably touch them so my lies can be extra convincing.”

“You mean to imply that’s going to be a repeat performance?” he asked.

“Yeah—it is too funny not to.”

Rigel turned away from me. “You have a death wish.”

“Nah—oh, hey, hop on Fax and you can come back with us,” I called to him as I scrambled up Eclipse’s back.

The mare had a very slight build, and due to her emaciated look, her spine uncomfortably poked my butt; however, instant transportation beat out waiting for what Chase considered a proper number of guards.

When I was situated well enough that I could look for Rigel, he was already also mounted, riding Fax without a saddle or bridle.

“Ready?” I asked.

Rigel nodded, and our mounts turned toward the gate.

I glanced back to make sure Kevin and Whiskers were okay—they were, Kevin had joined the other shades in their hunt while Whiskers was licking the rather startled dryad.

Chase waved to me, but continued to chat with his men. Most surprisingly, though, was Lady Chrysanthe. She was still standing at the parking lot entrance.

Yeah, I thought as Eclipse stepped up to the gate. Definitely weird.

The next day—or, as I should admit to, at roughly five AM—I put my life on the line and tried twisting the doorknob of the door between my master suite, and Rigel’s.

The door had a lock on it, and I’d always assumed that Rigel kept his side locked, but when the knob turned, I pushed it in and gaped into the dark, unlit shadows of Rigel’s room.

“Huh. I didn’t think that would work,” I said.

“If you say it’s fine, I’m going to impale you.” Rigel’s voice was rough with sleep.

I peered around the darkened depths of his room before realizing he was actually in bed! “What are you doing?” I asked, shocked.

Chapter Nine


Rigel lifted his head off his pillow long enough to stare at me. “You break into my room and then demand to know what I’m doing?”

“The door was unlocked.” I wandered a few steps in, and was nearly knocked on my butt when Whiskers and Muffin—who’d been stretched out on my enormous bed less than two seconds ago—pushed past me to explore Rigel’s room.

Steve and Kevin came in as well, but they sat on either side of me, their tails wagging when I glanced Copyright 2016 - 2024