Crown of Moonlight (Court of Midnight and Deception #2) - K.M. Shea Page 0,22

that, please.”

“My poor daughter,” Lord Linus soothed. “Don’t worry. They’ll approach you soon anyway, just wait for it.”

“What is she to wait for, Lord Linus?” King Solis asked.

At that moment Hazel popped out of the crowd. “Oh good—you’re still here!” She beamed, totally oblivious to the giant vampire that flanked her. “I’m sorry, Leila, I want to catch up, but Elite Bellus keeps dragging me off to meet more people. But he said I should tell you he and Pre-Dominant Harka enjoyed themselves, and he hopes you throw another party again, because he’ll be the first to arrive.”

“Thank you, Hazel. I hope you and Killian had fun?” I asked.

“Oh yeah.” Hazel wildly nodded her head, making the perfect curls her blond hair was coiled in tumble over her shoulder. “That shooting range was excellent, and next time I’m bringing a change of clothes so I can really fight dirty against Killian in laser tag.”

“No burning my shrubbery next time,” I warned.

“Got it!” Hazel gave me a thumbs up, then made a face. “I better get back to Elite Bellus—but call me!”

I waved to the petite wizard as Lord Linus made a show of adjusting his cufflinks.

“She was waiting for that,” Lord Linus smirked.

Ahh yes. More politics. It’s now obvious that we’re friends, and our conversation was a reminder that all the big players in Magiford came to my party. I’m sure there’s some kind of power play there—at least the other fae will interpret it that way.

I wanted to massage my forehead. Seriously, the fae could turn a bowling game into a political maneuver if they were given the opportunity.

“Queen Leila.”

A cool breeze tickled my side, and I turned to the side to greet the monarch who had first approached me, Queen Rime of the Winter Court.

Chapter Six


I was aware that Queen Rime was considered the most powerful monarch in the region both personally and politically since she was also the fae representative on the Regional Committee of Magic—Skye had endlessly quizzed me about the monarchs, after all.

Queen Rime was known for her reluctance in politicking, and held on to her power through the impassable alliance she had with her siblings, each of which ruled over the Winter Courts in the various regions of the USA.

But it was one thing to know that—and to even have seen Queen Rime from a distance—and another to actually meet her.

I was unprepared for the icy air that flowed around her, and this close her paleness—her light-colored eyes, fair skin, and hair that was a pure shade of white—seemed to almost make her eyelashes glitter.

Not married, and no children, I mentally recited from Skye’s list.

“Good evening, Queen Rime!” King Solis was back to his bright personality, all warmth and dazzling once again as he grinned at the fae queen. “Might I introduce you to Queen Leila of the Night Court?”

Queen Rime raised an eyebrow at him.

I glanced at Skye, who nodded at me, before I spoke up. “Good evening, Queen Rime.”

Queen Rime slightly closed her eyes in acknowledgment. “I believe this is our first official meeting.”

“Yes, it is,” I said.

“You rode admirably in the races,” Queen Rime said.

“I appreciate the compliment,” I said. I had to carefully pick my words—saying thank you to a fae could be tricky as some of the nastier ones might construe it as you admitting that you owed them a favor now.

I could feel the gazes of everyone in the area as they watched us, murmuring to one another.

Queen Rime stared at me for several long moments.

I couldn’t figure out if she expected me to say something, or if she was thinking—she was too good at veiling her expressions.

But she nodded, and as abruptly as she arrived, she left. “Enjoy the summer ball,” she said. “I look forward to seeing you at upcoming events.”

She swept off, the tapping of her shoes producing little crackling noises, as if she was walking on a thin layer of ice.

Before I could ask Skye if I made her proud, another fae appeared before me—a male who had the classic handsome appearance of the fae with his smooth skin, flawless brunette hair that was short with just enough hint of a curl to it to give it a disgustingly perfect amount of body, and otherworldly grace. Oh, and enough smugness to warrant breaking his nose.

I recognized King Fell of the Autumn Court—he was way too obnoxious not to know.

“You’re the new Night Queen.” He looked me over from head to foot. “It’s a sad Copyright 2016 - 2024