Crown of Moonlight (Court of Midnight and Deception #2) - K.M. Shea Page 0,117

her. And I couldn’t warn her.

I tried to tug her fingers off my coat, but she latched on, her fingers white with strain as if she knew what I was about to do, and was trying to stop me.

I was about to break another one of my “nevers” for her.

When I’d first taken on the name of the Wraith, I had vowed I’d never work without a contract—and my services would never be free. There was no one I cared enough for that I’d ever hunt, track, and kill for.

But she’d changed that.

Sliding my fingers under her palms, I managed to get her hands to release my jacket. “I won’t be gone long,” I said. “I’m just going to investigate whoever is behind the monsters.”

She didn’t wake up, of course. She was the heaviest sleeper I’d seen. Or at least she was in my room.

“If possible, I’ll end them. Then you’ll be safe. But I will come back to you as soon as I can.”

I’d also talk to the person who had originally hired me to kill her, but the geas wouldn’t let me say that out loud.

Leila was still for several moments, and then she half sat up and wrapped her arms around my neck. For a moment I’d thought she’d woken up, but her breathing was deep and even, and I was positive she wouldn’t cuddle into me with quite so much abandon if she was conscious.

She was warm, and there was something about the way she was a perfect fit tucked against me—her head leaning against mine—that made me slide my arms around her.

It was foreign, but utterly intoxicating to have her so close. That she trusted me this much, but also that I enjoyed her weight leaning into my chest, was unexpected.

Yes, she was sleeping, but if she was frightened of me I doubted she’d get this near to me—much less sleep in my bed.

This close, I could smell the scent of the shampoo she used, and her hair brushed my cheek as she snuggled into me. I reflexively tightened our embrace, and went still when Leila released a happy sigh.

This is why I’m willing to leave—to protect moments like this.

As I half prepared myself for rising, some kind of emotion twisted in my chest, and I felt a warmth I hadn’t experienced before.

I allowed myself the luxury of embracing her for a moment longer, then I forced myself to unhook her arms from my neck. “I need to go,” I said—as if she were awake to hear me.

It took some maneuvering, but I got her tucked back into her cave of blankets, with just the top of her head poking out.

I slid off the bed before she could reach for me again. “I’m doing this for you.”

Even in her sleep, Leila was so unimpressed that she flipped over onto her stomach and smashed her face into my pillow.

I exhaled in what could have been a laugh and was filled with the desire to delay my plans, stretch out on my bed, and drape my arm over Leila when she inevitably crept closer again.

I wasn’t much for touching—or allowing others into my personal space. I knew when I married Leila that I’d have to allow her some degree of PDA, but I hadn’t expected to enjoy it to the point where I would initiate it.

I’m losing my edge—what a shame.

I checked to make certain my handgun, extra magazines, and sword were properly secured, and then I released the magic that held my wings in.

They stretched high above me, even though I had them folded neatly. I only glanced at them—I’d never liked my wings. I didn’t like what they revealed about me.

A feather fell from one of my wings, drifting through the air.

It landed on the bed, and I almost retrieved it—I’d killed the few fae who had seen my wings, and I didn’t want proof of their existence lying around.

But it’s Leila.

I paused, then left the feather on the bed.

I flipped Leila on her side—knowing her she’d end up smothering herself if I didn’t—then sauntered across the room.

I opened the windows and crouched on the window sill, then looked back over my shoulder at the Night Queen.

“Don’t do anything impulsive—or stupid,” I warned her. I then stepped out into thin air and tapped my magic, slipping into the shadows.

I hid my wings as I unsheathed my sword strapped to my belt.

It was time to hunt.

Chapter Twenty-Six


I petted Barbra—one of the shades that had taken up Copyright 2016 - 2024