Crown of Moonlight (Court of Midnight and Deception #2) - K.M. Shea Page 0,10

esteemed guests.”

“Queen Leila, thank you for your invitation to tonight’s banquet.” Killian’s slight British accent was barely noticeable as he nodded his head to me.

“And for inviting our people,” Hazel chimed in. “That was really thoughtful.”

I tried to discreetly check to make sure my crown wasn’t tilting. “I know the Drake Family and the Medeis wizards so well, and I think of you as my friends. It would be pretty shabby if I didn’t invite you all!”

“Nah.” Hazel shook her head. “I don’t know about vampires, but we wizards don’t get invited to anything like this.”

“Nor do vampires,” Killian confirmed.

They probably don’t get invitations because Hazel is the protegee of the Midwest Elite—the highest-ranking wizard in the Midwest—and Killian as the Eminent is the top vampire in the Midwest. They outrank everyone who is coming tonight, except for the Paragon!

I awkwardly cleared my throat. “I’m glad you guys came. I figured the shooting range would most appeal to the Drake Family, but I did make arrangements for a karaoke session—since that seemed like something the House Medeis wizards would enjoy.”

“Did someone say karaoke?”

An old woman, holding the arm of a sour-faced, red-haired vampire, stepped through the door, with a dozen other House Medeis wizards surging around her.

“Great Aunt Marraine,” I greeted the older woman with a smile. “I’m happy you could make it tonight!”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, dearie! Especially since my bridge group didn’t believe me when I said the new Night Queen lived next door to young Killian! We have to take a picture before the night is over,” she said.

The red-haired vampire looked to the side, as if he was contemplating slinking off, but one of Hazel’s childhood friends—an angelic-looking guy who could have given the most beautiful fae a run for their money—gave the vampire a half hug. “Sounds great. We should make it a group picture!”

The vampire shivered and glared at the wizards holding on to him. “I insist you release me.”

“Not a chance,” the male wizard said.

“Indeed,” Great Aunt Marraine said. “You agreed to be the date of all the House Medeis wizards tonight.”

“I agreed to nothing!” the vampire said.

Great Aunt Marraine cackled and patted his cheek. “It’s adorable you think you can get out of this. Come on—let’s go find this karaoke. I’m sure you have a wonderful singing voice, Rupert!” The older woman—dressed in a gold dress with gold shoes, a gold handbag, and a gold hat, marched down the hallway, dragging “Rupert” behind her.

“Yeah, Rupert,” another House Medeis wizard laughed as she followed behind him. “It’ll be a blast!”

“Someone should record this—for posterity.”

“We have to take a picture—we can add it to our Rupert photo album!”

The House Medeis wizards fearlessly swept off into the innards of my house, not minding the gawking fae as they dragged the protesting Rupert behind them.

“I’ll go after them and take them to the karaoke bar,” Indigo said. “This looks like it could be entertaining, anyway.”

“Thanks, Indigo,” I called after my retreating companion.

She waved and hurried after the wizards.

“Rupert—the vampire my family swept off with—has become something of my House’s pet project,” Hazel told me. “Everyone was concerned he didn’t get enough love in his life as a vampire. They’re determined to lavish it on him now. He secretly loves it.”

“Indeed,” Josh said. “You can tell because he hasn’t killed anyone in ages.”

“And he seems merely slightly grouchy on the days we spend at House Medeis,” Celestina said. “Grouchiness—or a lack of—is how he expresses his love.”

“Huh,” I said. “I’m glad the Drakes and Medeis’s are melding like that.”

“It hasn’t been without its…issues,” Killian said. “But overall, it’s been pleasant.”

“I told you that if you stop bad mouthing the House on its own land, it will stop hiding your suits.” Hazel arched her eyebrow at him, then brightened. “Oh—that reminds me, Leila! I want to meet the lucky guy!”

Confused, I looked behind me at Skye, Chase, and Lord Linus, then looked back at Hazel and Killian. “Lucky guy?”

“Your husband.”

“Oh! Rigel! Yes. I’m sure he’s around somewhere,” I said.

Killian blinked. “You speak of him as if he is a cat roaming the house.”

I scratched my cheek. “Yeah, sort of. He’s very quiet and comes and goes as he wants.” I threw my hand wide to gesture, and I smacked my knuckles on something hard. “Ouch.”

I twitched in surprise to find Rigel standing just behind my shoulder. His sense of style hadn’t changed since becoming my consort, so he was dressed in black—including black boots, pants, and Copyright 2016 - 2024