Crowed (Team Zero #2) - Rina Kent Page 0,43

and give her ham. I can wait to have dinner when Crow returns. Charlotte needs the food more.

A tightening forms at the bottom of my stomach, one hundred and eighty degrees different from the sexual one, as I stand rooted against the table, watching Charlotte going at her dinner.

My gaze occasionally goes to the door, as if expecting Crow to storm inside.

Ugh. I need to snap out of this.

Fetching the gun, I leave Charlotte in the kitchen and head upstairs. I’ll continue reading that novel. Surely, it’s a lot better than being this antsy.

The doorbell rings. Its loud shrill echoes in the house.

I startle, almost falling backwards on the stairs. I clutch the railway so hard, my fist turns white.

It’s been ages since I heard the doorbell. I forgot it even existed.

Crow came uninvited the first time and now, he has a key. So who is it?

I descend the few steps. My heart pounds so loud, almost leaping out of my throat. With shaky hands, I point the unsteady gun at the entrance and take turtle steps towards the door.

Charlotte storms past me, barking loud. The volume rises the more I stand there. I’m about to carry her, run upstairs, and lock ourselves in my room when a familiar voice calls.

“Eloise? Are you in there?”

My breath evens out. Not a danger. Xavier.

He’s come over before. When Maman was alive and too sick to go to the hospital, but he rarely visited afterwards.

I hide the gun in the doorway’s plant vase and open the door. He’s standing there in a white shirt and khaki trousers, sporting that charming smile. His hair is all straight now. The style suits him better, actually.

“Bonjour, Dr Leroux. What are you doing here?”

“It’s about your debts.” His smile is contagious. “I have wonderful news.”

Charlotte goes into maddening barks, snarling and growling.

“Arrête!” I give him an awkward smile. “I’m sorry. She’s not usually like this. Please come in.”

When Charlotte doesn’t stop barking like crazy, I lock her outside. She’s lived with me for so long that she doesn’t tolerate people anymore.

I lead Xavier to the living area, glimpsing at him over my shoulder. “What is it about my debts?”

“They’ll be paid today.” He smiles again, and this time, it doesn’t even reach his eyes. Strange. Why does he have to fake his smile?

I still owe the hospital. How can my debts be paid? I’m sure I look confused as hell as I ask, “How?”

“With your life.”

I don’t get time to react as something hard hits the back of my head.

My feet lose balance as I fall. The impact reverberates through my entire body.

I make out Xavier’s heinous smirk before the world goes black.


Instinct saved my arse on countless occasions.

This time, it’s screaming to go back to Eloise and never leave her again.

My gloved fingers tighten on the hand clutch as I increase the speed. The trees fly past me in a blur. I don’t care if the tyres explode. I have to get back. Right fucking now.

I don’t even remember what I got from the grocery store. Probably the whole damn store, judging by the huge bag strapped to my back. The only things on my mind were not to take any other unnecessary trips to town, and that I needed to return to Eloise.

Especially since she’s not answering her phone. I know she only uses the device for the internet, and it usually lies forgotten, but fuck if that doesn’t add to my agitation.

Why did I leave in the first place?

I’m barely across the driveway when I make out Cheerio hopping and barking aggressively by the front door.

My bloodstream freezes.

I unstrap the bag and jump from the bike before the engine is properly shut off.

Someone is here.

I retrieve my gun, point it at the entrance and dial the one number that can help.

Ghost answers after a beat.

“I need backup,” I bark, still approaching the house with steady steps. “In return, I’ll take the contract on the Rhodes and distract Hades.”


“And Ghost?”


“I’m leaving you my will. If anything happens to me, use all my savings to help Eloise and keep her safe.”


“Give me your word.”

The one thing I know about Ghost is that he rarely gives his word, but when he does, he abides by it.

“You have my word.”

A sigh of relief mixes with the rush of adrenaline as I hang up.

Cheerio continues her maddening barks even after she sees me.

I dash her way. “What happened?”

“I happened.” Storm strolls out from the main entrance. Splatters of blood Copyright 2016 - 2024