Crossroads (Beautiful Biker MC Romance Series) - DD Prince Page 0,171

be putting a black Property of Jojo patch on his bicep, in the exact spot where the fake Jackals tattoo used to sit, the lettering white. After today, I would not expect him to ever get more tattoos. And no one ever needed to know that he hated needles.


I got my Property of Fork tramp stamp tattoo, looking like a Superman banner a couple months after our daughter was born. He told me he didn’t need his name inked on my skin, but I tell ya, he caressed it every time he made love to me.


Beyond tattoo needles, Christian hated it when our babies had to get their needles. My biker was a hands-on daddy, but not when it came to doctors’ appointments for our two girls. He told me I’d have to deal with it alone. It wasn’t a problem for me, and he made up for it by walking the floors with them most of the night when they were teething and when our youngest was colicky.

The only thing sexier than Christian Forker as a biker was my alpha as a daddy with one or both of our babies sleeping on him. Seriously hot.

“Dadda, Dadda!” Laurelle jumped up on him as he lounged on the couch on a Sunday night two weeks after our second-born was born.

“Again!” Laurelle demanded.

He gave me a look. “You had to introduce her to this movie, didn’t ya? Watched it four times since yesterday.”

I smirked. I was cradling our second born daughter, Meadow, in my arms, nursing her, though she was falling asleep. I played with the mass of dark curls on her head.

“Put it, Dadda. Again,” said Laurelle in her teeny tiny voice. My blonde-haired baby girl looked so much like Christian, it took my breath away to look into her eyes. Meadow was only two weeks old but we suspected she’d be my double by her eye shade and her darker hair.

He restarted Kung Fu Panda, Laurelle’s current favorite movie. Kung Fu Fighting was a song that made her dance her little fanny off. I loved it. This time I had the cell phone ready to take a video to post of her dancing. The family would love it.

“You got your momma’s taste in shitty music,” he grumbled.

I giggled. “Don’t swear. You do not want her sayin’ that.”

She jumped up on him and he grunted.

Oops. Our two-and-a-half-year-old daughter had a habit of landing on his nuts.

“That was your punishment for cussing,” I told him.


Three and a Half Years Later

Nearly six years after Wild Will Forker died, we planted our second apple tree. The first one got planted when we finished the landscaping on the house we bought in Aberdeen.

This new one was planted in our front yard, near Deadwood, South Dakota. Our first home in Aberdeen had one planted in the backyard. That had been a fixer upper and we flipped it for a nice profit to move here. This house was not a fixer upper. It was gorgeous and move-in ready and in addition to the apple tree, we were also planting a pear and cherry tree. Our new house reminded me a whole lot of our family cabin (but much bigger) which we still frequented, though it was a much longer trek.

We moved to Deadwood for a few reasons. One: Christian’s company was opening a second location in Rapid City. He’d bought out his boss when his boss retired a few years ago and business was good, so things were expanding.

Second: Stoagie, Christian’s stepdad (yep, Jolene got herself a beautiful biker, making Shaina Christian’s stepsister) had retired and the club decided to elect Christian as Prez for the new Deadwood charter. Rapid City had been a small one that would be folded into Deadwood. A few members from Sioux Falls, from Aberdeen (which had grown to double its size the day of the charity carwash), and a few former nomads were coming with us.

I had my beautiful biker, our two daughters, a great job teaching drama at the high school, and I was a few hours away from most of my side of the family, but we had Jonathan and Katie who had a little boy and also Jolene who had moved to Rapid City a few months after Wild Will died, partly to be near Jonathan and mostly, to be near Stoagie.

When we moved in, Christian surprised me by having a saltwater aquarium set up in our room. He knew I watched the aquarium channel to help me sleep when he wasn’t here, so he gave me a real, live aquarium channel. He was a keeper. I chose well.

As for our new charter, Justice came along with Marlena (yes, they eventually got together. That was an epic love story, too) and I’d gotten tight with Shaina and her man (who came from Aberdeen, but I can’t say his name here because that’s another story and I don’t want to ruin it.) Also a particular nomad is one we were looking forward to having as part of our family, too. He was going to be Christian’s VP. But… that’s another story.

Despite a few hours’ drive between us and my side of the family, you’d better believe we got together often for parties, for family dinners, and for family game nights at one of our homes or at the Valentine family cabin.

What happened with Lulu? What happened with Gianna and Jesse? Did Dan ever get Andie to go on a date with him? Wouldn’t you like to know?

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