Crossroads (Beautiful Biker MC Romance Series) - DD Prince Page 0,127

opened it.

Brady stepped in and gave me a big, big smile.

I threw myself in his arms and he lifted me off my feet and hugged me hard.

“You heard?”

“I heard,” he said and kissed my forehead. “I’ll be there. If I’m invited, that is.” Brady looked to Christian.

He was flaring his nostrils at Brady. “You wanna be invited, maybe you oughta put her down,” Christian said.

Brady threw his head back and laughed as he set me on my feet and then threw his arms around Christian. “You got what you asked for, Joelle,” Brady said.

Christian slapped Brady’s back and tried to put some space between them.

“I sure did,” I laughed.

“I’ll fuckin’ be there. Congratulations, brother. For real.” Brady put his hand on Christian’s shoulder.

Christian smiled at him and didn’t say a thing.

“Can you look after Marshmallow until you head to Vegas and ask one of the prospects to do it while you’re gone? Then will you take care of her until we get back? I don’t know when that’ll be.”

“Absolutely,” Brady assured.

“You’re the best.” I gave him a hug.

“Be happy, babe,” he told me. And then he looked at Christian. “Stoked for you, brother. You got a good one. You got the prized jewel of the club.” He shook Christian’s hand.

Christian looked at me with a possessive expression. “Yeah, I did,” he said, a look in his eyes that I won’t ever forget.

I felt warm all over.

“Good on ya, man. Happy as fuck for you,” Brady added.

Another knock came and it was Dad. Brady left as Dad moved in, shut the door, and leaned against it and folded his arms across his chest.

“Dad, I’m happy. Ecstatically. I want your blessing.”

“You two are movin’ mighty fuckin’ fast, but baby girl, you’ve got it.”

I squealed and threw myself at him. He held on tight.

“You’ll be there Saturday to give me away?”

“Not ever fuckin’ givin’ my baby girl away but yeah, I’ll walk you down that aisle. I’ll even pay for it all. Whatever you want. Book it.” He handed me a credit card.

“Prez, no offence, but---”

“Don’t,” Dad bit off. “This is my baby girl and it’s my right to pay for her wedding. You need to accept that.”

“All right, Deke,” Christian said.

“Coupla grand in Vegas’ll be nothing compared to what I was expectin’ to shell out for our princess. Besides, you’re gonna be supportin’ her expensive clothing and makeup habit from here on in so good luck with that, brother.”

I laughed.

Dad finally, finally cracked a smile. “You two figure out where you’re gonna live when you get back?”

I shook my head. “We haven’t gotten that far.”

“I’m buyin’ her a house,” Christian said. “Got the money set aside.”

My eyes shot to him and widened in shock.

“She just has to pick the one she wants when we get back.”

Dad looked a little impressed, if I wasn’t mistaken.

“Right-o. Well, I’m payin’ for the rest of her college tuition. You ‘n her can pay for her books. She works here part time so she’s still got that income, even if she can only put in a few hours a week. I want her to have the time to focus on finishin’ that degree rather than doin’ way too much jugglin’. My daughter likes earnin’ her own money, not having to ask for it. That said, tip: you give her a credit card, you gotta watch the balance ‘cuz she’ll run that sucker up and forget, then whine to you when it gets declined and she’s left embarrassed at a cash register.”

I rolled my eyes. Though he wasn’t wrong.

“Deal?” Dad jerked his chin.

“Deal,” Christian said.

My eyes bounced between them as they brokered this deal, neither asking me what I wanted and I was very nearly about to get cranky about it, but then decided it was pointless, because really, what was there to be cranky about? I was marrying the man I loved. I had the blessing of my family and that’d mean the blessing of the club. This was fucking awesome. This was my dreams coming true right here, right now.

“I’ll let you two head out. You need help with the planning, call. Laura says she can make calls, book shit. We’ll get numbers together of everyone comin’ and we’ll have a chat Thursday and see what’s what. All right?”

“Right-o,” I agreed with a salute.

“I’m sure Delia ‘n Rudy will come, too. Rob ‘n Bertie.”

“I hope so. Can you call and ask them? Call the fam jam in Colorado?”

“Yep. Me ‘n Laura will call anyone and everyone Copyright 2016 - 2024