Crossroads (Beautiful Biker MC Romance Series) - DD Prince Page 0,120

assumed I wanted to be a kindergarten teacher.

I corrected him by saying I wanted to teach high school students, make sure they had patient teachers who’d help them get through high school despite how tricky life as a teenager was these days. I told him I’d love to be a guidance counselor but would start off teaching, likely English. He laughed and crudely remarked that I’d have a class full of teenage boys with boners.

I asked him about his job, and he surprised me yet again. All I knew was that he was a welder in some metal shop, but he told me he was actually a welding engineer and a manager at his work. He’d started there with no experience dropping out of high school and took night classes for a long while to get his degree. He liked his job and told me the owner treated him like a son, that it motivated him to have that. He also said his responsibilities were increasing and that it might involve some travel.

This made me incredibly happy and I felt proud of him.

“Tell me about your family,” I invited.

He gave me a dark look and shoveled the last bite of chocolate cake into his mouth.

I still had half my salted caramel sundae to finish, but I didn’t think I could.

“Parents been separated since I was a kid. Ma lives in Wyoming. My brother, two years younger, Rapid City.”


“Don’t talk to ‘em,” he said.

“Oh. Um…”

“Don’t wanna talk about it right now, baby.”

“Okay. What’s your favorite color?”

His phone chose that moment to ring.

I saw ‘Prez calling’ come up on the screen.

“Fuck,” he said.

I bit my lip.

He rejected the call.

It gave me a bit of a sick feeling.

“You’re not gonna answer it?”

“I’ll send him a text when we get back to the room.” He signaled the passing server for the check. “I already messaged Deacon when we were in the Target. Everyone knows you’re safe. Think I’ll give your pops twenty-four hours to cool it before I talk to him.”

“What did Deacon say? Did he say people are freaking out that you took off with me?”

“You could say that,” Christian replied grimly.

A text from my father came up on his screen and I didn’t see much of it but saw the last word said ‘FUCKER’ in caps. He glanced and shoved it in his pocket.

I decided ignorance right now was best. I was his hostage. But I’d never felt safer in my life.

“Turquoise,” he said.


“My favorite color. Exact shade of your eyes. What’s yours? Lemme guess… hot pink.”

“Purple,” I said, smiling wide because he did care what color my favorite color was and told me his. He kissed, he connected with me. He said he loved me. I was blissed out.


We were naked, half-drunk, and covered in bubbles.

Yup. I was in a gawdy red heart-shaped hot tub with Christian Forker and we were covered in bubbles. So many bubbles! I was drinking red wine from a plastic motel cup and he was drinking a beer from the bottle. And we’d laughed so much, my belly hurt.

I was getting to see a side of him I could bet not too many people saw.

“No wonder Ella hates you. I can’t believe you cut off a pigtail.”

“Not only did I cut it off, I braided it and hung it from the handlebar on my BMX as a trophy. She lost her goddamn mind. I have a scar on my knee. She came at me with a coat hanger. Coat hangers were her weapon of choice when we were kids.”

I was lounged back against his chest, between his legs, rubbing his cocked knee and looking at the tiny white scar.

“Ready to get out?” I asked. “I’m starting to look like a Shar Pei.” I stood up. His hand glided up my leg, through the bubbles, to my backside. I looked down at him over my shoulder.

He slid his fingers between my ass cheeks and found me wet, and I’m not talking wet from the hot tub, either. I bit down on my lip.

He stood up and cupped my boobs as he kissed the back of my neck. I turned around to face him and wiped bubbles off his big shoulders.

“What now? Wanna watch a movie?” I asked.

“I’m gonna take you to that bed, wrap your legs over my shoulders, and I’m gonna eat this pussy.”

“Oh. That sounds… good. No one’s ever done that to me.”

He smiled wide, looking very pleased about that as he reached for a Copyright 2016 - 2024