Crossroads (Beautiful Biker MC Romance Series) - DD Prince Page 0,118

me.” I smiled.

“Because I needed to spank your sassy little ass.”

I giggled. He smiled, then closed his eyes and kissed my forehead.

I bit my lip. “I have no clothes. I don’t have my wallet or my ID. I don’t even have a phone.”

“Don’t worry about it. We’ll get you clothes. You don’t need a phone.”

“I kinda do, though. My phone is gonna be ringing off the hook when everyone finds out I was kidnapped.”

He chuckled. “Let ‘em wonder about it. Your brother knows I’ve got you.”

“He gonna smooth things over with Dad and my other brothers? What did Deacon say when you told him you wanted to get me outta town? How did that go? Have all of them been harassing you since that scene in The Roadhouse when Dad found you in my room? What about---”

“Holy shit, woman, slow your roll there… which of those seventeen questions you want answered first?”

I laughed. “Have my family been harassing you?”

“Your father, no. Prez looks at me like he’s tryin’ to fuckin’ get inside my head, though. Is that man psychic?”

I chuckled. “I think he is. He’s doing some kind of Jedi mind fuck Vulcan mind meld on you. What about the others?”

“Rider hasn’t said a word to me. Man’s nostrils flare and he grinds his teeth every time he looks at me though in the past few weeks.”

“Not surprising,” I said.

“Spencer asked me straight up if I wanted you. We were on the road in my truck and in the middle of nowhere. Believe me, it occurred to me he might be carryin’.”

“What did you say?”

“I told him the truth; told him you were way too good for the likes of me. He looked me right in the eyes and told me only a man who thought that about himself actually deserves the woman of his dreams.”

“That’s kinda what I just said.”

“Yeah. He turned the radio up after that and hasn’t brought it up since.”

My mind was a little blown. Great minds think alike. I put my head on his chest and snuggled in. So, Spencer wouldn’t have a cow. This was good news.

“Of your dreams?” I asked, smiling while looking up at him.

He glowered at me, so I dropped it.

“Okay. No emasculating. Got it. Though, I’m not afraid to say you’re the man of mine. And… Deacon?”

He stared a minute, eyes warm and sweet. He kissed my throat, then put me back where I was and said, “Deacon and I work out together with Brady and Bronto most nights.”

“I thought Brady worked out every morning.”

“Usually works out twice; guy’s a fuckin’ beast. I’ve taken twenty pounds off since starting to work out with that man a couple months ago. He pulled me aside and told me that he had a pact with you to marry you if you were both unattached in five and a half years. And then he gives me this long look with a fuckin’ nod, like he’s warnin’ me I better move fast. Like five years is five minutes and I’m runnin’ outta time. Your brother overheard that, and I got the impression he and Brady talked about it. Few minutes later, Deacon’s fuckin’ spotting me, holdin’ the barbell over my throat while I’m gaspin’ and that’s when he says, ‘You into my sister?’ Fuck.”

I cackled.

I felt his chest jiggle too.

“What did you say?”

“I said yeah. Barely got it out with all that fuckin’ pressure against my windpipe.”

My eyes bulged. “See. I knew you were fierce. Did he try to hurt you?”

“Naw. He lifted the bar off and sat on the floor. We drank a bottle of water sittin’ there and then he says, ‘You’ve got my blessing, brother.’ He downs the water and I start to tell him I’m not about to pursue you when he says, ‘Don’t matter. She’s pursuin’ you. You’re a goner.” Then the fucker gives me a smug look and heads to the showers.”

My mouth dropped open. “When was this?”

“After that night with motherfuckin’ Stubbs and that douche canoe singer.”

“Hm,” I mused. This was a surprise.

“Called him from work this afternoon, losin’ my shit over that calendar. Told him I was gettin’ you the fuck outta town, that the calendar put a bigger target on you than you already had, which was fucking huge. Said I was claimin’ you and that’d be fuckin’ that.”


“And it did, woman. What the fuck were you thinkin’ with that shit?”

I bit my lip. “I had my reasons.”

He gave me a narrow look and then kept Copyright 2016 - 2024