Crazy Thing Called Love - Ali Parker Page 0,79

minute before pulling out mine. The folder was light pink, the same one all my records had been kept in since I was brought on, and I noticed it was thicker this year. He flipped it open, closed the drawer, and put his glasses back on so he could squint at the paperwork.

“All right,” Evan began. “Do you want the good or the bad first?”


“Very well. Mr. Tucker has updated employee policies and benefits effective in January. Employees will no longer be able to reside in the hotel suites in any capacity. So unfortunately, I’ll need you to find another residence by the beginning of next year. I’m sorry, Katie. I know how much of an inconvenience this is.”

I blinked.

My suite was my home and had been for several years now.

“He’s evicting me?” I asked.

Evan sighed and nodded, clearly put off by the boss’s move as well. “Yes. I tried to change his mind but he wouldn’t budge. He sees those rooms as costing him too much money.”

“Costing him money?” I asked sharply. Then I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and opened them again. “I’m sorry, Evan. I don’t mean to get short with you. I’m just frustrated. Does Mr. Tucker realize how much of a cut to my pay this is? Not having to pay for residence is a huge perk to my salary. Living on St. John will cost me at least a thousand dollars a month.”

Evan nodded his understanding. “Yes, I brought that up with him and negotiated a salary increase for you.”

“Oh, you did?”

“Yes. It didn’t seem right not to compensate you. Mr. Tucker can charge what your rent would cost you for one night at the El Cartana, so he can certainly afford to cover your living expenses moving forward. The hotel is offering a twenty percent salary increase for next year as well as a five-thousand- dollar bonus to cover relocation, first and last month’s rent, and any deposits you might have to make at your new place.”

I licked my lips.

Well I can’t really argue with that, can I?

“I guess that’s fair,” I said.

Evan removed his glasses once more. “Fair is subjective, I suppose. I’m aware you won’t find anything as nice as your suite here at a reasonable price. I’m sorry you’re being kicked out of a place that’s been home to you for so long and that you’ll have to commute to work in the mornings on top of it.”

“I hadn’t even thought of that,” I muttered.

Evan grimaced. “I will follow up with Mr. Tucker sometime over the next couple of months when I detect he’s in a gracious mood. Maybe I can get him to throw a little more of a Christmas bonus your way so you can get yourself a car or something.”

“I would be grateful for that, Evan. Truly.”

“Leave it with me.”

“Is there more bad news or are we done with that part?”

Evan clasped his hands on the desk and peered down at my file. “As always, your performance is impressive. There is no other bad news. We received more customer letters of recognition about you this past year than any others. Somehow, you manage to step up your game every year. Care to share your secrets, Katie?”

I smiled. “Sorry, but I don’t have any secrets. I love my job. I love my clients. And my boss isn’t too shabby.”

He chuckled. “Well my boss can be a royal pain in my ass.”

I snickered.

“Don’t tell him I said that,” Evan added with a lopsided smile.

I drew my fingers across my mouth like I was closing a zipper. “Lips are sealed. This is a safe space.”

Evan quickly thumbed through the rest of my file. Then his eyes narrowed. “Ah, I missed something. There is a bit more bad news.”


“I can’t honor the two free nights you reserved for that friend of yours. A Mr. Peter Stenley? Mr. Tucker has also revoked the use of free overnights for family and friends effective immediately.”

“Damn it,” I grumbled.

“Damn it indeed. I had arranged for my family to come spend a few nights in December when all of the Christmas decor was up. Bloody business tycoons and their tight-fisted greed.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Tell me how you really feel, why don’t you?”

Evan chuckled. “Well, that’s how I feel. I’ve already told the wife I’m bringing her and the kids here, so I can’t cancel on them. My holidays just got infinitely more expensive.”

I gave him a wry smile. “I’m trying to feel sympathetic Copyright 2016 - 2024