Crazy Thing Called Love - Ali Parker Page 0,51

daughter if she’d heard him.

She looked up from her phone. “What?”

He started at the beginning and explained it all over again.

The mother sighed tiredly and talked about how badly she needed a drink or five.

Katie flashed me a devilish look over her shoulder. “Drinks sound like a fun idea.”

“It’s ten o’clock in the morning,” I said.

“That’s what mimosas and specialty coffees are for, Peter,” she said like she was talking to a toddler. “We’re on vacation. Shouldn’t we start out on the right foot?”

That logic was hard to argue with, so after making it through security and escaping from the annoying family of three, we found our gate and an airport bar just across the way from it with a view of the runway and the dense green mountains of the island in the background.

We took a seat and flipped through the menus. Katie said she didn’t like to eat heavy meals before she flew because it always made her feel like garbage. “But a little liquid meal never hurt anybody,” she added.

We ordered mimosas and a small appetizer to pick at.

“So Vanessa and Rhys have been together for about a year and a half,” Katie explained when I asked about the soon-to-be newlyweds. “They started dating after they realized she was giving him relationship advice on her radio show.”


Katie giggled. “I know. It’s a little complicated and weird, but it’s true. They were meant to be, honestly. Vanessa has been so looking forward to this wedding. I can’t wait to see how it turns out. Every time I’ve seen her over the last few months, she’s been telling me about decor and her dress and—” Katie broke off with a nervous laugh. “I’m sure you don’t care about these kinds of things. Sorry, I just love weddings so much.”

“To be honest, I haven’t been to many weddings. Only a handful, really. My uncle’s when I was a boy, and a cousin’s when I was fresh out of high school.”

Katie stared blankly at me. “That’s it?”

“That’s it.”

“Well, this wedding is going to be one for the books. Trust me. Although it might ruin any and all weddings for you in the future.”

I chuckled. “You talk a big game.”

“I know Vanessa. It will be glamorous and wild. I’m sure of it.”

“Are they honeymooning at your resort?”

Katie shook her head and took a sip of her mimosa. “No, but I did suggest it. I could have swung them a wicked deal. But they have a little one and they decided to do something family friendly, which makes sense.”

“Fair enough.”

Katie leaned back in her chair. “Is there anything you wanted to do while we’re in LA?”

I blinked. “Sorry?”

“In LA,” she clarified. “Was there anything else you wanted to do or see while we were there? I know you’re from there. If you wanted to see anybody or whatever.”

“No.” I shook my head. Shit, just be honest with her! “No, I don’t think so.”

Katie hesitated for a moment. “Okay.”

She left it alone. Maybe she bought that I really had no interest in seeing anyone. Or maybe she realized there was something under the surface getting to me and she didn’t want to force me to talk about it. Either way, I was grateful for it.

I hadn’t yet decided if I wanted to tell Katie about my old man and his current condition. It seemed like too heavy a thing to share so early in an undefined relationship, and things between us were going so well that I didn’t want to burden it with reality.

Why share the truth when you can keep your head in the clouds?

I knew how warped that thinking was and how it would likely come back to bite me in the ass, but right then when everything felt so right, I didn’t want to spoil anything.

I certainly didn’t want to think about my dad. I just wanted to enjoy my time with Katie.

We finished our drinks shortly before boarding for our flight began. We made our way to our gate and lounged in the leather chairs until our boarding time, after which we flashed our boarding passes to the check-in attendant and made our way down the ramp to the plane.

After showing yet another stewardess our passes, we were directed to the first row of seats in the plane.

I frowned as Katie slid into the window seat. The seat was massive and there was way more space up here than I was used to. The chairs were leather, not that scratchy Copyright 2016 - 2024