Crazy Thing Called Love - Ali Parker Page 0,41

my bottom lip and blushed at the memory before launching into the details and making my two best friends in the whole wide world fan their faces and turn red just like me.

Oh yes, Peter had certainly gotten into it.

I could still feel the warmth of his hands on my skin—and the press of his cock between my thighs as I straddled him.

Chapter 17


“Can you pick me up in an hour?” Katie asked over the phone.

I nodded as I held my phone to my ear. “Absolutely. I’ll see you soon.”

The hour passed with agonizing slowness. I’d missed Katie this past week while she was gone, and when her name lit up on my phone, my heart had done a little hop step in my chest, like a nervous dancer taking to the stage for the first time. Her voice had sounded like music to my ears, and the soft laugh that followed me telling her so made my insides squirm.

I wanted to kiss her again.

Memories of the kiss we shared the morning after our night at Skip’s played on repeat in my head as I sat in my truck outside the lobby of the El Cartana, waiting for Katie to emerge from inside the massive glass doors. I could see guests milling around inside, but I didn’t spot Katie until she stepped out into the sun and pulled her sunglasses from her head. She slid them on the bridge of her nose, looked both ways before crossing the circular pull up drive, and then hurried to my truck.

I leaned across the bench seat and popped her door open for her when she reached me.

Katie hopped inside. She had a picnic basket with her lined in gingham cloth. It looked like the picnic baskets characters pulled bottles of wine or sweet tea out of in southern romance movies.

“What do you have there?” I asked, nodding down at the basket between us as she put her seatbelt on.

“Treats. Lunch. Drinks. You know, the necessary things for an afternoon.”

I nodded approvingly. “All right then. Where are we headed?”

“I’ll give you the directions as we go. I want the destination to be a surprise.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Interesting. Should I be worried?”

She flashed me a radiant smile. “You’ll find out.”

“Oh, so this is a surprise, is it?”

“Yep,” she said.

Sneaky. I wasn’t keen on surprises. Never had been. But for some reason, the thought of getting a surprise from Katie seemed a lot less hellish than a surprise birthday party thrown by my single father and my little brother. This seemed like a surprise I would more than likely enjoy, and it was already starting out on the right foot.

Katie looked beautiful this afternoon.

Her long brown hair was pulled back off her face in a messy, loose ponytail. A few strands framed her face while one braided piece wrapped around the base of her ponytail. She wasn’t wearing makeup, or if she was I couldn’t tell, and she had simple stud earrings in. Her dress reached the middle of her thighs and was bright yellow with little red flowers all over it. It had thin spaghetti straps and a V-cut across her cleavage that made it difficult to look anywhere but at the three clustered freckles on her right breast.

Katie cleared her throat and nodded out the windshield. “Are we going to go?”

I kicked myself out of my reverie and put the truck in drive. “Yes, sorry.”

She smiled knowingly, and I suspected I hadn’t been all that subtle about checking her out. I couldn’t help it. She was so beautiful.

As we drove, she told me all about her trip to New York.

“It was good to see my brother,” she said. “Jackson and I don’t see nearly as much of each other as we used to, and it isn’t easy for twins to be apart so often. But seeing as how we’re very similar, we both love our work and the lives we’ve built because of it. We’ve made sacrifices, and spending time with each other is one of them.”

“Do you think that will change once the baby comes?”

Katie licked her lips and gazed out the passenger window. “Time will tell on that one, I suppose.”

“Do you want it to change? Maybe you could make arrangements to fly out to New York once a month or something.”

She shrugged. “Maybe.”

Katie didn’t seem all that enthused by the idea, which surprised me. Were there issues between her and her brother that she didn’t like to talk about? I Copyright 2016 - 2024