Crazy Stupid Bromance (Bromance Book Club #3) - Lyssa Kay Adams Page 0,67

now is the rumbling coming from here.”

“I missed dinner. Someone stole my shoes.”

Alexis barked out a laugh. “Should we order room service?”

“Either that, or we could go dig around in the Russian’s suitcase.”

She laughed again and sat up. “Want me to get the menu?”

Noah tugged her back down. “I’ll do it. You’ve cooked enough meals for me. The least I can do is scrounge up some room service.”

Alexis sank against her pillows and tucked her arms behind her head as he slid from bed. “I could get used to this,” she called as he walked out of the room.

“Get used to what?” He found the room service binder on the coffee table in the sitting room. “Me feeding you?”

“You walking around naked.”

He returned to the bedroom. “Let’s add that to the list of things we hope change after this.”

He plopped back down on the bed, and she snuggled against him as he flipped open the binder. “See anything that looks good?”

“Besides you?”

He chuckled. “I could get used to that.”


“You openly lusting after me.”

Her giggle made his chest swell.

“Do you think everyone has figured out what we’re doing yet?” she asked, resting her head against his shoulder.

“Yes. Are you okay with that?”

“Yeah, are you?”

He flipped a page in the menu. “Hell yes. I want everyone to know.”

She laughed. “I guess they need to find out sooner or later. I mean, if we’re going to keep doing, you know . . .”

He gaped down at her. “Please, God, tell me that’s not even a question at this point.”

“I didn’t want to make assumptions.”

He closed the binder and tossed it off the bed. Then he rolled on top of her, lacing their fingers together on either side of her pillow. “I’ve waited a long time for you. You can safely assume that I want to do it as often as possible.”

They kissed once more. And before too long, she started making that noise again, and he forgot all about room service.

* * *

* * *

“I think you might have killed me that time.”

Alexis laughed as Noah rolled onto his back, panting. A moment passed, and he awkwardly sat up. Just like before, he ordered her to stay put as he got up to deal with the less sexy part of sex. She watched him pad toward the bathroom, and as soon as the door swung shut, she disobeyed and got out of bed. His shirt was in a ball on the floor. She grabbed it and pulled it on and wandered to the window overlooking Beale Street.

The bathroom door swung open. “I told you to stay put,” he joked, coming up behind her. His arms circled her waist and tugged her tightly against his chest. They stood like that for a quiet moment, content again to just feel each other. Finally.

She covered his arms with her own. “I wish we could stay here forever,” she sighed.

His lips brushed her hair. “Not me. Because I can’t wait to take you home and start doing all those naked things we talked about.”

She managed a laugh, but it came out thick and watery. He squeezed her. “Hey,” he soothed. “What’s that?”

“I’m sorry. Emotional after sex and all that. I’ll stop. Just give me a minute.”

His lips came down on her shoulder. “You don’t have to apologize for being emotional. We’re kind of on a roller coaster right now. I’ve been one step away from losing it since the minute you opened your hotel room door.”

Alexis twisted in his embrace and wrapped her arms around his chest. His heart pounded beneath her cheek. Strong. Solid. Reassuring. He held her and let her catch her breath, pressing gentle kisses to the top of her head and rubbing his hands up and down her back and being so fucking perfect that she wanted to melt.

She finally risked a look at his face. “Why did we wait so long?”

“Because we weren’t ready.”

“But you said you’ve wanted this for a long time.”

“I have. Longer than you know.”

“But I kissed you, Noah.”

He sighed wearily and rested his brow on hers. “And if the adrenaline had worn off and you regretted it, it would have fucking gutted me.”

“I shouldn’t have just run out that night. I’m sorry—”

He kissed her and shook his head gently. “No more apologies.”

“I need to get this out. I had a whole speech planned.”

He acquiesced with a resigned sigh. He slid his hands around her waist and gripped her hips. “I’m listening.”

“It was disrespectful of me to not give Copyright 2016 - 2024