Crazy for Loving You A Bluewater Billionaires Romantic Comedy - Pippa Grant Page 0,94

faded down the hallway when I run into someone who makes me appreciate my family on a level I never would’ve thought possible.

“Mr. Jaeger,” Imogen Carter sniffs.

“Mrs. Carter.” If she were my grandmother just being a butthead, I’d call her Satan and move on. But I think she honestly expects the world to bend to her, and I’m not in a mood to fight.

Besides, she can make Daisy’s life hell.

I’d like to avoid that.

Alessandro’s behind her, and he shoots me a look that simultaneously calls me a chicken and thanks me for not being a dick.

I’m gearing up for a fight when she steps calmly around me. “Have a nice day, Mr. Jaeger.”

That was…weird.

I cut a look to Alessandro, but he seems just as perplexed as I am that she didn’t take the opportunity to tell me she’s signed Remy up for ballroom dancing lessons.

A chill washes over me.

She doesn’t think I’ll be here long. I’m no longer her problem.


I believe Daisy when she says she’ll stand up to her grandmother, but Imogen’s hardly powerless.

My breathing is fast and choppy, and I remind myself I’m here to take it one day at a time. One fucking minute at a time if I need to.

We’ll be fine.

Daisy and I will be fine, and Remy will be fine, and everything, right now, in this moment, is good.

That’s good enough.

I need to get out to my job site, but I don’t want to.

I want to go sit by the pool.

Cannonball into it.

Race my sisters on unicorn rafts.

And have fun. Not in a who-can-do-the-most-push-ups way. But in a this is my family and they’re awesome kind of way.

One margarita into my mom, and she’ll be busting out the jokes like she’s on a stage. One margarita into Allie, and she’ll start confessing to all the things she made Keely take the fall for in high school.

And I can laugh at them instead of telling them they’re being ridiculous and immature, because life’s about more than just following the rules.

What the fuck has following the rules ever gotten for my heart?

I almost turn around to go grab Daisy, toss her over my shoulder, and then dash out to the pool to leap in with both of us, but there’s no need.

She’s sneaking up behind me and grabbing my hand as I pause at the bottom of the stairs. “Come here,” she whispers.

I don’t know where we’re going.

I don’t care.

Five minutes ago, she was watching my family like she was in heaven and couldn’t wait to get to know everyone and would be opening up the pool and the bar and ordering in everyone’s favorite foods and six dozen of her other friends for a massive Welcome to Miami party.

And now she’s here.

With me.

Just the two of us.

While double the grandmas and quadruple the aunts stand between Remy and Imogen Carter.

“They wore you out already?” I ask her while she drags me down the hallway toward her lounges.

“Are you kidding? Never. It’s a personal goal to always be the last partier standing. I haven’t even gotten started yet. Don’t warn them, by the way. I need to know what your family is actually made of, so I know when to go easy.”


“And I mean that in the sisterly way. Not the I never lose kind of way. But you, my hot hunky co-parent, have gotten the short end of the stick, and I am determined to correct that immediately.”

Hells to the YEAH! my balls roar.

I tell them not to get too excited.

But she’s here. When she could be with a half-dozen other people, soaking in all those vibes her extroverted personality needs.

She turns into the trampoline room, drags me inside with her, throws the doors shut, and then releases my hand to shove a chair under the door handle.

She frowns. “Think that’ll hold them out?”

“The lock might.”

“Oh! Right.”

She moves the chair away, twists the lock on the doorknob, and then turns.

And leaps.

That’s Daisy.

I’m laughing as I catch her.

“To the ball pits!” she orders while she peppers my cheeks with kisses.

This is the weirdest of her lounges. Four steps lead up to a massive floor of linked trampolines, with ball pits lining the walls that were black two days ago, but are now painted with everything from seventies-style flowers and sayings to sparkly bling to penises.

I choke on a laugh, step onto the trampoline, and almost drop her.

She twists around, grins at the wall of dicks, and then shimmies down. “You know what? Better idea. Race you Copyright 2016 - 2024