Crazy for Loving You A Bluewater Billionaires Romantic Comedy - Pippa Grant Page 0,91

way out.

I whimper. “Yes.”

“Now?” He traces my ass with both hands while I rub myself shamelessly over the steel rod still behind too many layers of fabric. “Maybe I want you to stroke me first before I give you any more.”

“You—distracted me.”

“With this?” he slides a finger inside me again, and I moan.


“I can’t seem to help myself. Such a sweet, hot pussy.”

Westley Jaeger. Dirty-talker. I did not see that coming, but I probably should’ve.

And it takes an act of heroic strength, but after shamelessly thrusting into his touch three more times, I wiggle out of his reach and down his body to peel his shorts back.

“You—” he starts, but I bend and lick at the tip of his magnificent cock, and whatever he was going to say is lost in a rumble of thunder that’s either him groaning, or the storm outside, and I’m not sure which.

So I lick again, sliding my lips around his head while I use both fists to grip his length.

And that’s definitely West making those rumbling noises.

I suck on his tip, and he fists my hair in his hands, grunting and swearing while I tease his head, then take him all the way to the back of my throat.

He’s big. And thick. And so hard.

And I’m getting hotter in the pussy with how good he tastes.

“Daisy,” he rasps.

I hum against his dick, and he swears again.

And suddenly I’m being lifted off him. He rolls, and I’m trapped beneath him.

“I wasn’t done,” I tell him.

“I almost was.”

“And the problem with that is…?”

He ducks his head into my shoulder, hiding another of those smiles. “I want to be good for you. And it’s…been a while.”

“If you think this is the only time I’m getting you naked in the next forever, you are sadly mistaken.”

His eyes meet mine again, and there it is again.

That whisper.

That promise.

This one’s different.

“Are we going to fight for who’s on top?” I ask. “Because you should know I will always win.”

He presses a kiss to my neck and slides a hand over my breast, then down to dip into my waistband. “Do you?”

His fingers find my pussy again, and my tongue forgets how to make words.

“Condom?” he asks.

I point to the statue of a dog beside the fireplace.

I think.

He’s finger-fucking me again, and I can’t be held responsible for where I point when my eyes are crossed and all the blood is flowing to my clit.

He nips at my ear, and suddenly I’m coming all over his fingers, my body clenching tight while his brows go up and his eyes go dark as midnight.

“Christ, Daisy, you’re—”

“Oh my god, I’m coming!” I yelp.

And I can’t stop myself, because he’s pressing right there, that magic spot inside my pussy that’s making me spasm harder and higher than I’ve ever gone.

It’s blinding hot and I can’t feel my toes, but I know they’re curling while I pull my knees to my chest and let it all wash over me with West coaxing me until I’m boneless.

And that’s how I feel about him.

Boneless. Unable to resist him.

And completely fulfilled yet still wanting more.

I don’t know if I’ll ever get enough of him.

But I’ll be perfectly content to spend the next forever trying.



There’s nothing more gorgeous than watching a woman transform during an orgasm, but Daisy—she’s more.

She throws herself into everything completely.

Even now, in the midst of a post-climax glow, she’s reaching for that weird dog statue.

“Because you’re so very talented with your fingers,” she declares as she slides the dog to one side and pulls a strip of condoms from behind it, “you get to choose. Blow job? Or your very impressive cock in my pussy?”

Either way, I don’t see myself lasting long.

Not with that mouth.

A cry suddenly accompanies a roll of thunder, and the lights flicker.

Daisy freezes.

I freeze.

And Remy wails again.

“Oh, no, he didn’t,” she whispers.

I sigh and drop my forehead to her shoulder. “I’ll get him.”

“No, you won’t. We’re both going to hold our breath for five minutes, and if that doesn’t work, then I’ll get him.”

Nooooooo, my balls wail.

“You can’t hold your breath for five minutes,” I tell her.

“Don’t test me.”

I’m smiling as I push up. “Five minutes, and I’ll have him back to sleep.”

Two hours later, though, Remy is still up, happily cooing away.

“Go to sleep,” I whisper to him.

He grins and squeals at me.

Like he knows he’s being a little cockblocker.

Daisy’s passed out on her bed, because my bedtime story for Remy an hour ago worked on her.

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