Crazy for Loving You A Bluewater Billionaires Romantic Comedy - Pippa Grant Page 0,87


“No idea. But I sent the video to our attorneys. It might not prove Julienne was right in the head, but it’ll prove she wasn’t drunk and she most definitely did not want the Rodericks to raise her son. Plus, she still had to convince Rafe, so it’s not like the will was impulsive. She named both of us on purpose. And now we know why.”

“I’m here because she was a paranoid nutjob.”

“No, nuts would kill her. She was more of a paranoid banana-job.”

I smile, but I don’t feel it. This is it. She brought me here to say goodbye. “Point is…I’m not his family, and I shouldn’t have been in that will.”

“Westley, you are more family than anyone I’ve ever known.”

“You’ve never even seen me with mine.”

“Yes, I have.”

“No, you—”

“Family is what you make it. Tell me you didn’t have your Marines family. Go on. Tell me you didn’t have brothers and sisters in the Corps.”

I open my mouth.

Then shut it.

Because of course I’m not going to tell her I didn’t—don’t still have family in the Corps.

“You didn’t have to stay. You chose to. That makes you more family to Remy than even I am,” she whispers. “I had to step up. You didn’t. And if you hadn’t been there that first night—maybe that psychic knew what she was talking about.”

“You believe in psychics?”

“I believe in you.”

Of all the women in the world, I never expected this one to be the one to bring me fully to my knees. But here we are. With her holding the only bit of evidence she needs to kick me out of her posh life and back to where I belong.

And instead, she’s opening the door wider.

Inviting me in.


“Do you still want to stay? I wouldn’t blame you if—”

I silence her with a kiss.

I don’t know if she’s offering me herself as well as Remy. I don’t know how long she’ll let me be the man who holds her and kisses her. I don’t even know if she wants to kiss me, or if she just likes kissing.

But her free hand is curling into the fabric of my shirt and she’s parting her lips and stroking her tongue against mine and making soft, needy whimpers in the back of her throat that are making me feel like the only man in the world who can give her what she needs.

And I’m ready. Willing. Able.

Whatever she wants.

Whatever she needs.

For as long as she wants me.

That’s my boy! my nuts yell.

And suddenly I’m chuckling into the best kiss I’ve ever had in my entire life.

“Are you laughing at my technique, Mr. Jaeger?” she whispers.

“No. You—you’re—you make me lightheaded. I like it.”

Her eyes are dancing, teasing, but there’s a vulnerability lurking too.

Like she knows we can’t just be a one-night stand. There’s Remy to think about. Our futures. Intertwined.

Of fucking course I’m not walking away from this kid. He’s snuck into my heart.

Daisy can give him a good life. A solid life, with opportunities I couldn’t begin to imagine.

But I can give him a boisterous, loud, joyful family. Cousins. Aunts. Uncles.

All those things that can’t be measured on a profit and loss balance sheet.

Daisy brushes her fingers down my beard. “You’re not kissing me just because I’m a single mom, are you?”

“I’m kissing you because you’re so much more.”

Her brow furrows, and her gaze drops. “I’m not. I fake my way through everything,” she whispers.

Whoa, my nuts say. She fakes it? Fuck! Give the woman a real fucking orgasm, Marine!

“I mean—not that.” She squirms and climbs off my lap. “I mean I’m only successful in business because people like me.”

Regroup! Regroup! my balls shriek. Regroup and go after that nooky!

Insensitive fuckers.

But in this case, I don’t think they’re wrong.

Daisy needs some TLC. And it’s time I give it to her.



So there I was. Sitting right in West’s lap. Kissing the hell out of him. Feeling that thick ridge under my thigh. Knowing I was going to get some tonight.

And now I’ve completely and totally killed the mood.

Because he thinks I’m something I’m not.

A month ago, I wouldn’t have cared. I would’ve lured him downstairs to my office, smothered us both with froyo, and weathered this storm with some good old-fashioned monkey sex all night.

But I can’t let him think I’m something I’m not. He’s in this for the long haul, and we can’t co-parent Remy if I’m not honest with him.

“Daisy.” He grips my shoulders gently, stopping me from my retreat into my bedroom. “Being a Copyright 2016 - 2024