Crazy for Loving You A Bluewater Billionaires Romantic Comedy - Pippa Grant Page 0,85

I wonder if there’s another hidden door that leads outside somewhere.

“Why do people in south Florida need fireplaces?” I ask.

“Sometimes it gets below sixty.” She tiptoes beside me on bare feet. “Here. Let me have this little guy. I need snuggles.”

I could give her snuggles.

I’d like to give her snuggles. Naked snuggles on that fuzzy white rug in front of the fireplace. With my cock rocking against her pussy.

I clear my throat and hand her the baby, who curls into her chest and sighs happily while she smiles softly at him.


Easiest baby ever. Even with all of the movement, he’s stayed asleep.

He’ll be up again and hungry in an hour or two, but for now, he’s blissed out and happy.

“Sit.” Daisy waves at one of the chairs in front of the fireplace.

I oblige, and I have to concentrate hard on not appreciating the curve of her breasts and hips in that get-up.

She grabs her phone from a decorative table near the door, then crosses back to me. Instead of taking the other seat, she settles into my lap while thunder rolls outside.

My arms go around her, my nuts cheer, and when she looks at me, I want to kiss her.

“Hi,” I say softly.

She shifts Remy across her breasts and presses a kiss to my cheek. “Good evening, my gallant chair. I need to show you something.”

“I’d be a lot happier about that sentiment if you weren’t holding a baby.”

“Westley Jaeger, are you thinking dirty thoughts about me?”

“Only some are dirty.”

She smiles, and it’s brighter and more dazzling than lightning on the ocean, and an order of magnitude more dangerous. “Here. You need to watch this.”

She shifts in my lap, swipes her thumb over the phone, and stops on a video in her text messages, which she enlarges to the full screen. She hits play, then hands me the phone to hold while we both watch.

It’s dim, like it’s being shot at night, with little specks of light floating across the screen.

“What is this?” I ask.


A shadow moves into the frame, and I realize I’m staring at—oh, fuck.


It’s a crystal ball.

“Ah, yes. Julienne. I knew you’d be coming. Your husband has been unfaithful again.” The first voice is low and raspy, and it makes my hairs stand on end.

“Doesn’t take a psychic to read the gossip pages, Becky. I’m well aware of what he’s been doing while I’m growing our baby.”

Hearing Julienne’s voice puts a hitch in my shoulders. Daisy shivers, and I pull her closer. She’s soft and curvy and fits perfectly, and I don’t want to move. Don’t want to watch the rest of this video either, because the creepy-crawlies dancing up my spine are warning me that whatever it is, it’ll change everything.

“You’re concerned about your safety,” Becky the psychic says.

The shadow that I assume is Julienne’s nods. “I think my mother-in-law is trying to kill me.”


Daisy puts a hand to my chest. “Shh,” she says again.

Becky the Psychic leans over the ball. “She’s very attached to her son.”

“She hates me. She’s so jealous. She always wanted to be famous, and now I am, and I get half of Rafe’s trust fund if I can prove he’s cheating, and she’s still nothing. But when we went to her house last night for dinner, she was acting…strange. Like, she usually at least pretends to like me, but she was all, you won’t be my problem much longer. What does that even mean?”

“I see darkness in your future, my child.”

“No fucking duh, there’s darkness. Divorce and scandal and when she left her phone out, I checked the last text messages because she’s a moron and doesn’t know to erase text alerts, and she’s been talking with someone called Bob about peanuts and hospitals. I’m going to the hospital to have a baby in two weeks. And she doesn’t know a Bob. That’s clearly a code name so we don’t know he’s a hit man. I think she’s going to slip peanut dust into my food after I give birth. She’s going to knock me off.”

“She’s off her rocker,” I whisper.

“You are in danger,” Becky intones. “Grave danger. But not from the corners you suspect.”

Julienne shrieks. “What? What? Both of my in-laws want to kill me?”

“You have enemies, my child. More enemies than you know. And they come soon. You must put your house in order. Reconcile with your husband. It is the only path to eternal peace.”

Daisy’s not the only one with a shiver now. Eternal peace is a fuck-ton Copyright 2016 - 2024