Crazy for Loving You A Bluewater Billionaires Romantic Comedy - Pippa Grant Page 0,42

and I peek around the corner to see waves rippling out in the center of my pool.

“Did you just chuck your phone in there?”

He jerks his head in my direction. Relief washes over his face, his shoulders relax, and he starts to rub his eyebrow, then stops and growls. “I need your phone number. Now. Alessandro’s too. And anyone else who keeps tabs on you. Except your grandmother. That woman can go the fuck to hell and show her horns where she belongs.” He blows out a short breath. “Are you okay?”

I don’t take orders.

I give orders.

But the concern laced into his tirade has me pulling out my phone. “Are you kidding? It’d take more than a couple little sea urchins to bring all of this fabulousness down. Gimme your digits. I’ll text you.”

He rattles off the number, and I send him a quick note with both Alessandro’s and Tiana’s numbers attached.

His phone dings, which means that wasn’t his phone he sent flying into the pool.

I take a subtle glance to make sure he didn’t chuck Remy into the water.

Definitely not a baby in there.

I stifle a snort as I realize it’s one of my mom’s crystal dicks. Probably shouldn’t leave her artwork lying around the patio tables.

“How’s the little pipe organ? He didn’t get too nervous about Aunt Daisy being rushed to the hospital, did he?”

“He screamed in sympathy for hours.”

Oh, sarcasm at its finest. That shouldn’t be attractive, but it’s making me a little hot under the collar.

Side effect of the Benedryl, undoubtedly.

“Is he inside?”

“Yes. Found a bed. He’s happy.”

“I should go hug him and promise him I’m gonna make a full recovery. Except I don’t want to scare the poor kid.”

“Scare him how?”

“With my evil scar face.”

His eyes narrow again while he studies me.

I get my picture taken a million times in a weekend when I’m out having fun. I get stared down in boardrooms on a regular basis. And I have to deal with my grandmother’s scrutiny every waking minute of my life.

I get used to it.

But West studying the blotchy, saggy mess that’s currently my face?

It’s making me more self-conscious than that time an ass shot of me in a thong while I was on my period went around the internet.

Seventeen was a horrible age for wearing dresses that got caught in the wind.

And he’s going to tell me I’m beautiful just the way I am, and I’m going to have to punch him, because he doesn’t get to say nice things about me right now.

That would make me like him entirely too much when I might possibly already like him entirely too much simply for being here.

And also lose a little respect for him for lying to me.

I’m complicated like that.

“Probably a good idea to not let him see you right now,” he finally says, “but if you think you get to have an allergic reaction to get out of overnight duty, you better be prepared to lose custody of the kid.”

Oh, fuck.

He went and said the only thing worse than telling me I’m beautiful.

And I’m nothing if not impulsive.

Which is technically my excuse for what I do next, even if I would’ve done it anyway.

I’m impulsive like that.



One minute, I’m insulting Daisy’s appearance, and the next, she’s leaping into the air, wrapping her arms and legs around me, and pressing a hard kiss to my lips.

My dazed brain registers plump breasts pressed to my chest, curvy thighs nestled against my cock, a luscious ass in my hands—because yes, of course I’m going to catch her—and the sweet Kool-Aid taste of her lips, and my balls whoop and holler and ask someone to hold their beer.

I’m not going to kiss her back—except suddenly I am, because even while being so pissed at her for everything from Becca to the allergic reaction, I’m so fucking grateful she’s okay.

And now I’m slanting my lips against hers while relief courses through me that she’s alive and kicking and breathing, while simultaneously being pissed as hell that no one in her household would tell me how she was doing.

I’m going to kiss her until she never leaves me hanging and uncertain while she’s being rushed to an emergency room again.

That…made a lot more sense when my nuts said it.

She parts her lips and her tongue dives into my mouth and holy sweet fuck, is there anything she doesn’t throw herself into full-throttle?

I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t attractive as hell that she’s leaping into this motherhood Copyright 2016 - 2024