Crazy for Loving You A Bluewater Billionaires Romantic Comedy - Pippa Grant Page 0,100

her three best friends texting, which she’ll answer immediately.

Or me, when I’m out on my job site, I’ve discovered.

But she keeps sneaking it out during the game.

“What are you doing?” I finally ask.

She grins. “What I do best, Westley. You just wait and see.”

And see I do.

Once we’re back home, after the game, she disappears into her closet and returns a minute later in a little glitter bikini that matches her sparkly gold hair this week.

She shoves my board shorts at me.

“Do I really need these?” I ask with a brow wiggle.

“You do if you don’t want to flash your whole family.” She winks. “Party’s in five.”

“Wait—whole family?”

“Whole family. And a few more friends too.”

I drop trou and fling my shirt off.

Daisy’s eyes go dark.

And we’re fifteen minutes late to the party.

We hit the pool hand-in-hand, Daisy carrying Remy and both of us wearing I refuse to feel guilty for why I’m late grins on our faces.

But it’s not just family.

It’s a whole freaking party.

“Westley!” Tyler crows from the edge of the pool.

Three of his teammates rush him—Zeus and Ares Berger, two massive brutes, along with Nick Murphy, the team’s goalie—and they toss him in.

Then they trade glances, and the loudest Berger twin yells, “Cannonball!” and all three go flying into the pool, followed by a guy I’ve seen in the neighborhood.

My sisters shriek and dive for cover.

Their husbands and kids—the ones old enough to be awake—are all laughing and diving in too. So’s my dad, who flew down this morning to join us.

Six cats yowl and dart out from their hiding spots in the bushes around the pool.

There’s tropical island music playing.

Burgers grilling, courtesy of Derek.

Beck and Jude are hanging with him in the outdoor kitchen, both with beers.

One of Daisy’s security guys is manning a bar.

My mom’s riding the mechanical unicorn that I thought Daisy was kidding about, while Cam stands to the side and hits buttons on her phone, making the unicorn go slower or faster while Mom yells to Allie to get it all on film!

The cats are all prowling about, sniffing curiously and then dodging back inside through the cat doors Daisy had me install throughout the complex.

“Westley!” Tyler crows again. He climbs out of the pool, dripping wet, and smothers me in a hug that ends with some pumping on my back that makes me realize I need to get back to the gym.

Little fucker’s gonna be able to beat me in arm-wrestling too soon.

“Fatherhood looks good on you, dude,” he says.

“Wet looks good on you,” I reply.

He lets out a war cry, bends, grabs me in a fireman hold, and the next thing I know, I’m going into the pool too.

That’s fine.

I’ll let him have this one.

“Tyler Jaeger!” Daisy exclaims as I’m coming up for air. She’s handed Remy off to one of my sisters, and I have no doubt the kid’s going to be passed around from person to person all night long. “You beat my team.”

He grins. “Daisy Carter-Kincaid. I did. And I’d do it a—aaah!”

She gets him by the ear, twists, and shoves him into the pool. Then she dusts her hands. “Got him for you, baby,” she calls to me. “Clear out, Berger boys! Cannonball!”

“She’s so fucking awesome,” Zeus Berger says behind me while Daisy makes an Olympics-worthy splash.

Ares Berger, equally large as his twin, is grinning and shaking his head.

“Your wife know you’re looking at another woman?” Nick Murphy, the Thrusters’ goalie, says.

“You kidding? She thinks Daisy’s awesome too. Gives good advice on shoes.”

Ares dunks him.

Then dunks Nick.

Then Tyler.

Then the dark-haired, familiar dude whose chin seems to be sparkling.

I hold out a fist. “Nice.”

He dunks me too.

I surface with a sputtering laugh.

The crowd’s growing, with more people from the neighborhood coming in. I don’t recognize everyone, but I’m sure Daisy does. I get a glimpse of Remy, currently being held by Beck while Luna melts into a pile of lust and adoration beside him.

“Unicorn jousting!” Zeus suddenly hollers. “I got the shortest kid on my team. Ares. Take the other short one. Show ’em how twins do it.”

They bump fists and take off for my twin nieces, who are floating in miniature unicorns.

Daisy surfaces next to me and wraps her arms around my waist. “C’mon. Introduce me formally to that brother of yours. I want to know if he’s as cool as your sisters.”

“As cool as?” Ty puts a hand to his heart. “I’m so much fucking cooler.”

“Until you can ride the mechanical unicorn as well as Mom, Copyright 2016 - 2024