Crazy in Love - Lane Hart Page 0,3

and do with random people. Even though I’m self-conscious about my body, I’m really freaking tired of waiting. Batteries are so bad for the environment that I don’t even own a vibrator. It’s very likely that I’ll give myself carpel tunnel if I don’t find the man of my dreams soon.

“All I’m saying is that Lawson and I could’ve been a fluke,” Josie explains, causing me to scoff.

“A fluke?” I repeat. “So five minutes ago when you were freaking out because you thought the potion was gone, that was all because you think meeting Lawson was a fluke?”

“Ah, well, I just mean that you may or may not have the same results,” she says.

I huff out a sigh, and we walk in silence the rest of the way. The small food court we’re heading toward not only has a Hawaiian grill but also has a Mexican restaurant, a burger joint, and Japanese food, catering to the various tastes of the college kids and businessmen and women working in the area.

“Where are you gonna eat?” I ask Josie as we stand in the center of all the delicious smells.

“Mexican for sure,” she says with a smile, walking off to the door on our right.

“Okay, I’ll grab my salad and come to you,” I tell her since her hot order will probably take longer to make than my cold salad.

“Sounds good,” she calls over her shoulder.

I order my roasted corn fiesta bowl. And after I grab my bottle of water from the fridge, I balance my meal on a tray and use my back to open up the door to go find Josie.

Unfortunately, the door to the Mexican restaurant is pull open only, so I balance my tray on the flat of my palm while I try to grab the handle with my free hand.

“Let me help you with that,” a deep voice says over my shoulder.

Holy shit, this is it! I think to myself as a muscular forearm reaches in front of me to open the door. My soulmate! Wow, that was fast!

When I turn my head to look at the man who will hopefully be ravaging me in a few days, if not hours, it’s sadly…disappointing. He’s old, as in Sean Connery’s age, white hair and all. That wouldn’t really be a problem if there was an instant attraction, which there’s definitely not. Dammit.

“Thank you,” I say, smiling politely at the chivalrous man.

“Sure,” he replies before waving to an appropriately aged woman sitting at a table and joining her. That’s probably his wife.

Oh no, what if my soulmate is already married to the wrong woman? See, this is why I need to find Madam Tess, to ask her how all of this works.

Not finding Josie in line at the front register, I turn to walk around the corner of the restaurant to see if she’s saving a table for us in the back. Still distracted by thoughts of married soulmates, I run smack dab into a hard object. My tray slams against my sternum before bouncing off and into the victim of my collision. Lettuce, pineapple, corn, tomatoes and black beans go flying like colorful confetti. Woohoo! It’s a celebration of my clumsiness.

“Shit, sorry, Reagan,” the unfortunate, food covered patron says.

It takes me several seconds of my face flaming in embarrassment, my eyes lowered as I reach out to try and salvage my lunch before I realize this isn’t just some stranger I just showered with my salad. The man in a food splattered white dress shirt and navy blue suspenders knows my name.

When I get the courage to glance up, my breath catches in my throat at the sight of not only the most attractive man alive but the one who just so happens to be my digital media professor. He teaches the one challenging course which currently stands between my Master's Degree and me.

“Oh my God. I’m so, so sorry, Professor Daughton,” I apologize in a rush, my mouth hanging open as I watch the delicious fiesta salad drip down the front of his wrinkle-free dress shirt.

He chuckles, and the sound instantly warms my soul like hot chocolate on a cold, snowy day.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s my fault for not watching where I was going,” he says with a grin that causes his sapphire eyes to dance with a twinkle thanks to the bright, overhead lights. He’s so gorgeous that whenever I’m around him, I seem to simultaneously go dumb, deaf and mute. My sense of sight Copyright 2016 - 2024