Crave (His Second Chance with Heiress Bryn Christmas Duet #1) - Z.L. Arkadie Page 0,14

at us, her cheeks still red as a tomato.

I shook my head, knowing that before I arrived, Jamison had worked his magic on her. “Poor thing. She didn’t know charm is your superpower.”

He stuffed his hands deeper into his coat pockets as he leaned toward me. “Ha. I’m charming? That’s news to me.”

“Well…” I felt my eyebrows fly up. “At least, when you want something.” My eyes were flirting with Jamison Cox, acting against my more cautious brain.

His chuckle sounded like a seductive song. “Are you hungry?”

It was just like Jamison to try another angle. My stomach growled, and hunger pains punched me, but I was certain he couldn’t hear the ruckus in my belly. “A little.”

“Then let’s get a little food, talk, and catch up.”

I sighed forcefully. Like a gnat, Jamison was a man who wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted. Before our first and only hot night of mad, passionate… Was that fucking? Sex? Neither word captured how our bodies had merged, his cock inside me, expanding me, rubbing against my dripping-wet pussy walls, our gazes connected, our lips feverish for each other. Skin on skin, soul on soul, Jamison and I had made love.

Gazing into his eyes, I was experiencing shadow effects of his manhood stretching me. I knew one thing for sure—if I spent any more time with Jamison Cox than our brief encounter in the lobby, he would end up in my bed, or I’d end up in his.

“No, um, I’m fine. I mean, I’m tired. So… thanks for my phone.” Walking away from him felt like the worst mistake of my life. But I had to do it. I tried to will my feet to move me away from him, but they stayed stuck to the floor.

Jamison took his hands out of his pockets and motioned as if he wanted to touch me, but in a split-second decision, he chose to rub his palms on his pants instead. “Come on, Bryn. I came this far, and this is it?”

I moaned contemplatively while gnawing on my bottom lip. He’d come a long way to return my cell phone, though I was pretty sure that wasn't his sole purpose in being there. But I’d never asked Jamison to fly all the way from San Francisco to Denver. Am I obligated to spend time with him? For certain, I wasn’t. He’d gambled on me providing whatever he sought from me. What is he looking for, anyway? Sex? Friendship? Forgiveness?

But still, I liked Jamison a lot. I cocked my head, narrowing an eye, ready to bargain. I was starving and curious about what he’d been up to since we last parted.

“Dinner, and then I go to bed, in my room, alone?” I said, more to instruct and convince myself than to inform him.

Jamison’s sexy brown eyes were aglow. “Deal.”

I waited for him to take at least one hand out of his pocket so we could shake on it, but he didn’t. I wished he had, though. A handshake would have given me a reason to touch him.

He turned to examine the sign behind him. “Peak 54 Grill?”

I shrugged. “Sure.”

“Then after you.”

As I passed Jamison, he pressed his hand against my back, and my insides fluttered. It was going to be difficult trying to downplay my attraction to him. Indeed, I was playing with fire.

Chapter Six

Jamison Cox

The Day Before

I saw the abandoned object in my peripheral vision. My chest tightened as I hoped like hell Bryn Christmas didn’t suddenly remember she’d left her cell phone on top of the bar. As she walked away, I focused on her long legs and elegant body. The bartender was busy gawking at her too. I didn’t blame him. She was a sight for sore eyes.

I didn’t have long to decide. The bartender was too busy looking at her to pay attention to what she’d left behind. If he saw it first, by the looks of him, either I’d be out the five hundred bucks it would cost me to pay him off and let me keep the phone, or he’d pretend to be a decent and moral shit and refuse to take my money. But he wouldn’t return her phone to her or take it to lost and found. The guy had to be aware that Bryn Christmas was above his pay grade. Therefore, he wouldn’t try to call her. He was afraid of being rejected by such a beautiful woman. He’d keep her device and look through her photos. Copyright 2016 - 2024