The Cowboy's Temptation Page 0,8

Taking the handles out of her hands, he slung one over his shoulder, then hefted one and rolled the others behind him. “This way,” he said and started walking, not bothering to see if she followed.

”I can carry my own bags,” she protested, trying to take them back from his firm grip.

Jake didn’t even respond, just headed out of the automatic doors and led the way to the parking lot.

He stopped behind a large SUV that bore the logo, “Circle K” on the side. He unlocked the back of the truck and placed her bags in the storage area, tossing them like they were pillows instead of the heavy burdens which had weighed her down throughout the whole trip.

“Thank you,” she said quietly and went to the passenger side to climb in.

Once they were in the truck, he buckled his seatbelt and turned the ignition. “I need to make a few stops. Do you mind?” he asked, backing out of the parking space.

“Not at all,” Elissa said, but suspected that he didn’t care what her answer would be. He was going to run the errands regardless of her assent.

Twenty minutes later, they reached the small town of Hawthorne, Texas. He drove right down Main Street and parked along the road. “I just need to get a few supplies in here,” he said. “I faxed ahead for them so they are probably already gathered up. This shouldn’t take too long,” he said and Elissa wondered if he had ever used so many words before.

She jumped out of the truck and followed him into the store. She loved the smell of it instantly. There was sawdust and pipe smoke and several other scents she couldn’t identify. She walked down the aisles, touching the various hardware that was on display. She had no idea what most of the stuff would be used for, but found it all fascinating anyway.

“I’m ready,” he said, right behind her.

Elissa jumped and spun around, dropping the huge bolt and screw she had been trying to fit together.

“What do you need that for?” he asked as he bent down to pick it up.

Elissa laughed, a full-bodied laugh that surprised him and caressed his soul in some idiotic way he didn’t want to explore. “I have no idea what it is for. Do you?” she asked, her curiosity evident in her voice and expression as she looked at him hopefully.

“Farm or ranch equipment,” he replied curtly and tossed it back into the bin. Without another word, he turned and walked out of the store, again assuming she would follow.

Elissa hurried behind him, glancing at some of the other things for sale, wishing she could ask him more questions, but not daring. It was a new and fascinating world but he probably thought she was silly for finding the hardware store interesting. Besides, he seemed to be in a rush and didn’t want to hold him back.

He tossed a bag into the back seat of the truck, then got into the driver’s seat, waiting patiently for her to climb into the passenger’s seat beside him.

As soon as she was buckled in, he reversed and headed in the opposite direction.

“Where are you going now?” she asked.

“Back to the ranch,” he said without taking his eyes from the road.

Elissa only nodded then turned to watch the scenery, leaning forward as the mountains came into view. “Oh, my!” she exclaimed. “Are those the Rocky Mountains?” she asked, pointing out the window to the east.

“Part of them,” he replied. He loved those mountains and was encouraged that she found them just as fascinating. “Haven’t you ever been out this way before?” he asked, his curiosity peaked despite his desire to appear detached from the tiny woman with beautiful, sad eyes and one of the sexiest figures he’d seen in a long time. Possibly ever, he thought as he glanced at her breasts out of the corner of his eye.

“Yes, a few times. But it was always with some conference or another and I usually only saw the inside of meeting areas. This is much nicer,” she said, glancing at the flowers springing up on the side of the road. “The flowers are fascinating around here. This is a beautiful area. Is it always like this?” she asked, a smile of wonder across her face.

Jake shook his head. “Only in the springtime. In a few weeks, the heat of the summer will be here and they’ll all die away,” he explained heartlessly.

“But they’ll come back next Copyright 2016 - 2024