The Cowboy's Temptation Page 0,45

was emitted. At the same time, Jake pulled with all his strength.

Elissa didn’t understand what was happening but within five minutes, a tiny hoof appeared in Jake’s hands. “Okay, Lucy. We’re almost there. Just keep pushing,” he said. Fifteen minutes later, a small and incredibly unsteady foal slid messily out of her mother’s body. There was a whole lot of mess and blood but the tiny foal immediately stood up and shook her head. Once she opened her eyes, she stared around, took one step then toppled down again, right near her mother who carefully licked the head, then laid back down. The mare was obviously exhausted to the point of not being able to care for the little foal and Elissa’s heart went out to the two of them.

Jake looked up and saw Elissa for the first time that day. He’d known she was there, had sensed her coming and going but had focused all his energy on the mare and making sure she would survive. Now he looked up and noticed the tears streaming down her face. He walked over to her, careful not to touch her with his messy hands. Bending down, he looked into her eyes. “What’s wrong, Elissa?” he asked softly, wishing he could take her into his arms and comfort her. He didn’t though, knowing she would probably be horrified at the mess of his shirt and jeans.

A half second later, Elissa threw her arms around him and let go of her tears. “Oh, Jake how wonderful!” she cried. “She’s beautiful and you helped her. Thank you!” she said, her shoulders shaking with the weight of the emotions she was feeling.

Jake was stunned. She was thanking him? For what? He stood up and didn’t care what she was talking about. Elissa flying into his arms, holding him with those soft arms was too much for any man to handle. He closed his arms around her back and just held her there. Once the flood of tears subsided, he pulled back and looked down at her. “You’re a mess now.”

Elissa glanced down at her shirt front but dismissed the mess that had transferred from his clothes to hers. “What’s wrong with the little guy?” she asked, glancing behind Jake to view the foal again.

Jake turned as well but didn’t take his arms away. She was letting him touch her and he was like a starving man to a buffet. He didn’t want to break the contact. “She’s hungry,” Jake said. “Want to feed her?” he asked.

Elissa looked from the mother to the foal and nodded. “Shouldn’t the mom do that?” she asked tentatively. Elissa didn’t want to show her ignorance but couldn’t figure out what was wrong with the little horse.

“She’s too exhausted. Most birthings don’t take this long. She’s been up for the past few nights with pains.”

Elissa took the bottle with the warm milk and long nipple that Jim handed to her. “Can I really?” she asked, the excitement already in her eyes.

“Sure. Go for it,” Jake said, feeling wonderful all of a sudden.

Elissa bent down and approached the skittish foal. As soon as the foal smelled the milk, she toddled over to Elissa and immediately started sucking on the offered bottle. Elissa laughed and stroked the side of the foal’s neck that was now clean. It was very soft and the foal didn’t even glance her way, too intent on getting her first drink of milk.

Jake walked over to the barn’s sink and scrubbed his hands. He needed a shower and probably a long nap, but he felt too good. He looked down at the exotic beauty kneeling in front of a newborn foal and shook his head. He never would have imagined that Elissa would like the sight of a birth. They were messy and painful. But she’d cried tears of joy.

Elissa definitely was not the woman he’d originally thought she was.

Jake sat down on the bale of hay she’d been sitting on for the past few hours and grabbed a sandwich and a cup of coffee. He couldn’t see her face anymore but he enjoyed the view of her backside just as much. The other ranch hands were cleaning up the area, joking about the next task and what needed to be done to help the mare get her strength back. Jake listened to the sounds around him and wondered if Elissa ever thought she might like this life long term.

Who was he kidding? She was a city girl, he Copyright 2016 - 2024