The Cowboy's Temptation Page 0,14

cute little bottom on the saddle. When the horse finally moved, he smothered a laugh when she begged the horse to turn in the correct direction.

But his amusement turned to hilarity when the horse made a full one eighty and headed back to the barn, with Elissa pleading with the horse to do her bidding.

Jake shook his head and slapped his hat on his thigh, then moved into the barn to retrieve horse and rider. He held the reigns in his hands and guided Jemima and Elissa into the corral. Once there, Jake slapped the rump of Jemima once and the horse walked slowly into the fenced area.

Elissa could not hide her embarrassment as the horse moved into the corral, then stopped and waited for more direction.

“Just start her walking around the corral so you can get a feel for her,” Jake called as he latched the gate closed.

Elissa gently pressed her heels against Jemima’s sides again, concentrating on what the horse was doing. It seemed to know to move around the edge of the fence line so at least Elissa didn’t have to make her go in a specific direction.

“Make her stop,” Jake called.

Elissa flinched at his curt order and accidentally kicked Jemima on the sides again, making the horse increase her speed to a fast trot.

“Stop her, not make her go faster!” Jake snapped.

Elissa glanced up quickly but only allowed her eyes to touch Jake for a moment before moving back to Jemima’s ears. “What do I do?” she yelled, hoping he could hear her over the frantic beating of her heart.

“Pull back on the reigns,” he yelled back impatiently.

Elissa pulled back quickly and Jemima immediately came to a stop. Elissa dropped the reigns to grab onto the saddle horn. She stayed on the horse, but just barely.

“What are you doing now?” Jake asked, watching her cling to the saddle as if her life depended on it.

Elissa looked around her, noting the reigns dragging on the dirt and not sure how to pick them up again. “I’m not exactly sure what to do. Any suggestions?” She called out.

Jake put his head down for a moment. She looked so incredibly vulnerable and his initial instinct was to jump over the fence and help her down. Or climb up onto the saddle and show her how to ride the horse. But getting close to this woman was dangerous. He wouldn’t be touching the horse, he’d be touching her and that thought made him snap out commands more curtly than he’d intended.

“Reach over and pick up the reigns,” he said.

“No,” she called back.

Jake looked up, shocked at that one word. Orders by him were instantly obeyed by every person who stepped foot on this ranch. Men twice her size didn’t dare argue with any of his commands no matter what he asked them to do. So it was hard for him to comprehend that this tiny, sexy woman, sitting on top of one of the gentlest mares in his stable of over one hundred horses, had the courage to defy him when no one else dared.

Jake crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the corral, wondering if he should take her to task for telling him no. “Well, then what are you going to do?”

Elissa couldn’t think of an answer. “I’m not sure what to do, but I can tell you definitely what I’m not going to do,” she called back.

Jake heard the quiver in her voice and realized she was genuinely scared. He relented and allowed himself to close the distance between them. He reached down and handed the reigns to her, looking up at her nervous expression. “Elissa, this is a sweet, gentle lady. She’s not going to hurt you, I promise,” he said and patted the horse’s neck just to show her how sweet the horse was.

Jake’s softer tone and reassurance gave her some courage. She nodded and bit her lower lip in concentration. Elissa took a deep breath and tapped her heels against Jemima’s sides. The horse immediately moved forward at a slow walk. Testing out her courage, Elissa pulled the reigns to the right and was thrilled when Jemima walked to the right. Elissa tried it in the opposite direction and, sure enough, the horse contritely walked to the left. Elissa smiled brightly at her accomplishment, meeting Jake’s eyes in triumph.

Jake had to swallow hard as he watched her excitement over her maneuvers. They were barely up to the basics of horse riding and Copyright 2016 - 2024