The Cowboy's Temptation Page 0,10

step in. But she followed the man inside.

He was already coming down the stairs, minus her bags. “Your room is the last one on the right,” he said curtly. “Make yourself at home,” and he disappeared again out the door, leaving Elissa to figure out where her bags were and what she was supposed to do next.

Elissa stared around at the foyer, wondering where Veronica lived and where everyone else in the house or ranch was. She had always thought of a ranch as having several people working around a barn or a corral or whatever it was that held the animals. She didn’t see anything like that although she was still standing in the center of the foyer.

A door opened behind her before Elissa could move. “Lissy?” Veronica called out, then peered around the heavy, carved wooden door.

“Ronny?” Elissa gasped, then rushed forward to hug her friend, almost crying now that she was here and in friendly company.

“I’m so glad you’re here!” Ronny said, crying herself. “It has been too long!”

“I know,” Elissa said, then stepped back to survey her friend. “Look at you! I can’t believe how huge your stomach is. You’re right, are definitely two in there,” she laughed.

Veronica was proud of her protruding stomach and rubbed it gently. “Isn’t it wonderful?”

“What were you doing at the doctor?”

“Oh!” Veronica waived aside Elissa’s concerns. “She’s just a worrier but it makes me feel better knowing she’s worrying for me.”

“Where’s Rick?”

“Right here,” a deeper voice said behind the two women. “Just waiting my turn,” he chuckled.

“Rick!” Elissa said. “It is good to see you. I haven’t seen you in so long!”

“I know. You work too hard,” he said and took Elissa in a gentle hug. “What have you been eating, woman?”

“Nothing,” Veronica laughed. “Obviously. So you come on with us, I’m going to fatten you up before you head back to that awful job of yours,” she said and pulled Elissa out of the house.

Chapter 4

They walked about fifty feet along a path of stepping stones through a thicket of trees. On the other side, a small house overflowing with flowers along the sidewalk and windows emerged.

“Is this your house?” Elissa asked.

“This is it. I wish it were bigger so you could stay with us,” she said, the worry appearing in her eyes.

Elissa waived Veronica’s concerns aside. “Nonsense. You two only have a few more weeks to be alone with each other. I’ll be fine.”

“I heard some ranch hand slammed a rake through the window but Jake’s house is much nicer so you’ll be comfortable there. And I won’t worry about you being alone now.”

Elissa didn’t mention her concerns over the tall, incredibly handsome man she would be sharing a house with. She’d much rather stay in the broken cabin for some reason. A broken window didn’t worry her. But Jake Callahan terrified her.

“I have to get back to work. I’ll see both of you ladies tonight?” he asked, looking at Elissa for confirmation.

“Absolutely,” Elissa said, smiling at the man who was obviously in love with his wife. She watched with a pang of jealousy as Rick leaned forward and kissed Veronica, gently laying a hand on her swollen stomach before winking at both of them and striding off back down the path again.

Veronica smiled as she watched him walk away, then sighed heavily when he was no longer in sight.

“He’s a great guy, Ronny,” Elissa said, noting her friend’s contented expression.

“I know. I really struck gold with him, didn’t I?” she smiled smugly.

“Absolutely,” Elissa agreed. “The last good man available.”

Veronica’s smile disappeared. “Oh, dear. That bad, huh?” she asked and turned to head into the house.


“The men you’ve been seeing,” she said, no longer a question. “You can’t judge all men by New York City standards.”

“I don’t,” Elissa said and looked around Veronica’s small but comfortable house. “This is really nice,” she said, trying to change the subject.

“Thank you,” Veronica replied. “What do you think of Jake?” she asked, leading the way into the immaculately clean kitchen that was bright with large windows. She pulled out the fixings for salad. “Come over here and talk to me,” she said, sitting down at the kitchen table. “I can’t stand and cook anymore. Everything has to be prepared sitting down,” she explained, grimacing as she started chopping vegetables. “Rick is getting sick of sandwiches,” she laughed.

Elissa looked into the refrigerator and considered her options. “How about meat loaf?” she said, taking out the ground beef.

Veronica eyed her friend suspiciously. “Do Copyright 2016 - 2024