Cowboy's Secret Baby (Cowboy Billionaire Secrets #2) - Monica Bolt Page 0,64

sitting out here chatting instead of helping.”

“I tried that! She shooed me away and said she’d come talk when she had a minute!” I stammered.

Just then, Harrison came darting out of the house, quickly followed by half a dozen other little boys running around with toy pistols and shooting at each other. His eyes lit up when he saw my mother. The game was instantly forgotten as he ran to her and jumped into her arms for a hug. My mother laughed with delight.

Stacy appeared not long after, a warm smile gracing me as she jerked her head for me to join her. We walked the property, taking in the peaceful sounds of the party and animals as they roamed freely. Harrison had enjoyed the fair so much we’d hired a petting zoo for his big day. Stacy slipped her hand into mine as we strolled. It was a sensation I would never grow tired of.

“Are you ready to tell me what I did wrong?” I asked

Her eyes grew wide. “You haven’t done anything, sweetheart! What would make you think you did?”

I shrugged. “You’ve been off for the last few days. I don’t know, I just thought maybe I did something to upset you.”

“Oh, honey,” She beamed. “I’m not upset at all. As a matter of fact, I’m over the moon! I just didn’t want to say anything until I went to the doctor.”

“Is that why you were gone so long today? What’s going on? Whatever it is, we can get the best treatment known to man. You’re scaring me.”

“Well, if you’d give me a hot minute to talk, you’d see you are worrying over nothing!” She said.

I closed my lips at once, pretending to seal them and toss away the key. Stacy laughed and threw her arms around my neck as she kissed my sealed lips before moving down to my neck. I groaned in pleasure. We’d made love almost nightly since she and Harrison had moved in six months ago. Marriage wasn’t on the table just yet; we were as happy a couple as we could be; why change that?

“Walker,” she said. “There is something you should know.”

“Hmm, I’m starting to think whatever it is, it can wait. You keep kissing me like that, and we are gonna have to slip away from the party a little longer.”

She wiggled against my body. The seductive move made me groan again. I wanted her. Of course, I always wanted her, but the way she was moving was driving me insane. For the last week, she’d attacked me almost every chance we got. There wasn’t a room in the barn or house that we hadn’t broken in with our lovemaking at least a few times.

“Do you like being a father?” She asked.

I nodded. “Of course. I love Harrison and you. You two are my entire world.”

“Would you like to be one again?” Stacy asked.

I nodded. “You bet. At the very least, we can sure have fun trying.”

“We don’t need to,” She grinned.

I cocked my head. Stacy was beaming with pride as the words registered in my brain. My eyes grew wide as I scooped her into my arms and spun her in a circle. Stacy laughed with delight.

“Really?” I stammered.

She ran her hand down her stomach and nodded. “I just found out today. I was pretty sure I was pregnant but wanted to be positive before I got your hopes up. You are going to be a daddy again.”

The tears started to prickle my eyes, but I didn’t care. My heart was so full that I was sure it was going to burst. Behind me, I could hear Harrison calling out for me as he ran down the hill towards us. His ‘horsy’ had just been led out of the barn with a saddle on it. One of the most docile stallions I’d ever met, I was more than happy to take my son for a ride. Just as soon as I was done showering his mother in even more love.

“I love you so much, Stacy,” I whispered. “Will you marry me?”

She gasped and nodded, the tears now streaming down her perfect cheeks. “Yes, a thousand times, yes! I love you, Walker Wheeler. Forever and ever.”


Hey you! I hope you enjoyed Cowboy’s Secret Baby! I’ve got at LEAST one more cowboy story left in me to share with you!

For the 3rd title in my cowboy series, I’ve got Cowboy’s Forbidden Nanny brewing’ for ya!

Get your copy of Cowboy’s Forbidden Nanny here on Amazon! Copyright 2016 - 2024