Cowboy's Secret Baby (Cowboy Billionaire Secrets #2) - Monica Bolt Page 0,58

heard and see from the Wheeler family, I wasn’t sure I could trust any of them.

“If I try to make a move against you or your son, I will lose mine. Now I’m sure Harrison is a wonderful boy, and I’d give anything to be a part of his life, but I won’t give up my son. If backing off and letting him sort it out will keep him around, I’ll gladly do it.”

“Because of your son?”

“Yes. And because I was wrong. I would have reacted the same way you did when Walker found out he was Harrison's father. You’ve done an amazing job with your son. All I want is to be a part of that. I know that you don’t want that right now, and that’s okay. I won't push it. Walker loves you though, he’s told me as much, but I was too stubborn to listen.”

“If he loves me, why did he get ahold of a lawyer?”

“Because he was scared and it was a new situation. I don’t think he knew what he was doing. If I had to guess, I’d say that was his brother, Thompson’s doing. That boy is going to give me grey hair. He thinks that money solves all of life’s problems.”

“Huh, I wonder where he got that idea from?”

She grinned. “I admit that I may have had a hand in that as well. Walker is a good man, though, with a good head on his shoulders and a broken heart right now. If not for me, talk to him for Harrison's sake. None of us want to see you leave.”

I muttered. “Thank you for stopping by. You’ve given me a lot to think about. I don’t want to leave, I really don’t. I love it here. Maybe we can work something out.”

“I would love that.” She pulled out a piece of paper. “This has my home number and cell. Whenever, if ever, you are ready for Harrison to meet his other grandparents, we’d love to meet him.”

I nodded, unable to find any more words. The conversation had left me shaken. It seemed like in just a few minutes, my world had been turned upside down. If we stayed in town, Harrison would get to know his entire family. My heart was filled with warmth. Knowing that Walker really cared about us was enough to put a smile on my face. Come hell or high water, I was going to find him and tell him how I felt.


Chapter Twenty-Three (Walker)

“Well now, fancy seeing you here, stranger. Honestly, we didn’t think you were going to show up.” Jackson muttered.

I glared at him. “I’m still in charge of Calumet, and we buy heifer from the fair every year. Just because this family is fucked up, doesn’t mean I’m going to punish the kids who have been working all year on their show animals.”

“I don’t get it, Walker. Why in the fuck would you even think about leaving the family? This is the life that you’ve always wanted. I know you want to travel but come on, you do that now anyway. On the company dime nonetheless!”

“It’s not about the money or the travel. It’s about your mother sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong.”

“Awe man, ma has always been like that, and you know it.”

“She went too far this time,” I snapped.

I didn’t know what my mother had told my brothers about the entire situation, and I wasn’t going to offer up any information. I’d known coming to the county fair was a risk. Running into my family was a given considering why we were all there. Each year the local 4-H clubs auctioned off their cattle to help pay for the next year's stock.

Local companies and people would bid on them at the end of the week in an auction-style. Most of the time, the cattle were worth far less than they were bought for, but it wasn’t anything anyone minded. The money went to a good cause and inspired the next generation of ranchers. Even with everything I had going on with my family, I wouldn’t abandon the little kids that looked forward to the fair all year.

“What did she do that was so bad?” Jackson asked. “All she did was make a couple phone calls.”

“Her interference cost me Stacy and Harrison. Now I can either pray to God that Stacy comes back or I can take a stand and put my foot down. That’s what I’m doing.”

“Dad is pissed. He’s been down Copyright 2016 - 2024